The tools to help you resolve issues with non-solids...
Solid Inspector will show issues but not fix them...
Then in combination with an 'edit'...
Layers - all switched ON [in case you have nested objects on OFF layers, or even worse! geometry on a layer that is not Layer0 that is off !!]
View > Hidden Geometry > ON [shows invisible edges and 'hidden' objects]
View in Xray mode [allows selection and deletion of internal edges]
Section Planes [to allow you to access the inside of objects to remove faces, edges etc]
Select + <delete> [to delete unwanted faces/edges]
Erase [to remove unwanted edges by picking]
Move [to select and relocate vertices to heal small holes etc]
Line Tool [to over-drawn edges and [re]create missing faces]
Remember that a solid group or component can only contain geometry.
Every edge must have exactly two faces.
So that means...
No faceless edges.
No edges around a hole [no matter how tiny].
No edges forming the unbounded side of a flap or shelf.
No internal partition faces, which would then have some edges used by three or more faces.
No otherwise seemingly solid boxes touching on a shared edge - which then has four faces.
No exactly overlaid coplanar faces with shared edges - can happen [rarely] with some plugin operations.