@tig said:
When hidden geometry is set to be seen in 'View > Hidden Geometry' it will always be a 'ghost' - this is not changeable.
All right. Thanks for the info. Could this be manipulated with a script though? I didn't find any which do this.
@muhku said:
IF you made a set of layers paralleling your main layers - e.g. BLDG and BLDG-HIDN; and have the '-HIDN' ones all set 'OFF'... then you can quickly 'hide' an object by selecting it and assigning it to a '-HIDN' layer - via 'the Entity Info' dialog OR even quicker using the 'Layers' toolbar dropdown list [e.g. if you put the layers-toolbar in the top-bar].
You can easily view/hide objects on any '-HIDN' layer by switching it on/off, in the Layers Browser pane.
You can also use Scene-tabs to control layers' visibility.
Make two that only changes layers and doesn't affect camera, style etc - that can have the '-HIDN' layers 'ON' and 'OFF' respectively.
Then depending on which Scene-tab you click the objects will appear in full Technicolor... or become hidden...
Your main Scene-tabs can of course have whatever views, layers etc you want, and clicking on those brings whatever you want into focus/visibility... Use the other tabs whilst modeling...
There's some ideas... I could to either of these, but it seems that in both cases I would lack the ability to do this with hotkeys, since it doesn't seem to be possible to add a shortcut to toggle a specified layer's visibility. We're talking about quite fast modeling, and I would have to repeat this procedure a lot, so it counts. 
I could set up 2 scenes and use the next and previous scene hotkeys to cycle between them. Then I would need to get rid of the camera rotation thingy which SU likes to do when you change scenes. And again, no hotkey for assigning an object to a specific layer...