wasn't sure what forum this should go in, but I thought I'd post it here. Haven't really been able to jump into podium as easily as it sounds like I should, so I've been getting some messed up renders. Just combined it with native SU output in photoshop and have been getting some neat results though. btw you are looking at a rough sketch of a vanity that is a part of a bathhouse building
Weird lighting style
RE: ...renderings + photos of built space...
looks like a lot more of the original design intention got carried over in the second set
the renders give a great representation of the character of the future space though
RE: Reload component - nothing happens?
thanks- that was making me crazy
RE: Importing multiple models and maintaning coordiantes
try copying them and using edit>"paste in place"
Reload component - nothing happens?
Hello- I am having a problem where I right click on a component and select "reload" and the usual browse for file dialog is not appearing. Does anyone else have experience with this?
RE: New match photo composite...
neat.. i like this kind of work, I think it is what sketchup does best. Any more than that and you are pushing the purpose of the program. I noticed that the light/dark contrast in your addition is not as extreme as in the original photo (might account for the bricks looking a little off color and the parapet looking duller)
RE: wigwam
the watercolor look is a photoshop action based on techniques shown in a thread started by majid... it would be neat to have a FLW colored pencil style though, much like the picture you posted
Here are some fast images that were included in a proposal to do a "wigwam" building - loosely interpreted in this case for a meeting room in the forest that is centered around a fire pit. The back of the site drops off rather steeply to a lake below, and unfortunately could not be shown in the renders due to lack of time. I also would have liked to add more detail to the roof structure from the inside, but the drawings are what they are, which are just idea sketches.
RE: Hi, and another valid use for SketchUp
great glass technique in those later images!
RE: Fixing default views
archi- observe the green and red world axes in the screen shot I took. The ortho view buttons follow the default grid... if you want to get them to work correctly, you need to rotate your model to be perpendicular to the green and red axes.
RE: Fixing default views
quick work-around: try right clicking on a face and selecting "align view"... with perspective off you will get the view you need.
RE: Office exterior and interior view
nice clean renders... how about some transparency on the curtain walls?
congrats! nice renders, and it looks like construction is going per your images so far...
Mission style cafeteria
some architectural character sketches for a camp in California. The cafeteria sits at the edge of a drop-off in the terrain. There is a plaza/turn-around area in the front that is shown in the renders (and needs some work) and a back deck that captures views off the site.
RE: Reverse Face Script
maybe off topic, but I might also add, that you could change the "front" and "back" face colors to be the same in your style editor if you are just concerned about the appearance.
RE: Reverse Face Script
try assigning "reverse face" to a shortcut, then selecting the "move" tool or other similar tool that automatically selects faces, hover your mouse over the faces you want to reverse and press your shortcut key. its fast.
RE: Maximum OpenGL resolution
is there any reason the number can't be higher than 2048?
RE: Placing a model exactly
make sure your terrain settings are the same between GE and SU, ie
if you are modelling on the flat image in SU then make sure the "terrain" check box is empty in the layers palette in GE, and vice versa
it also helps to zoom as close as possible in GE before importing the base image into SU... your terrain will be more detailed and accurate
RE: Condo Project
model looks great.. the only thing that distracts is the tiling grass- it looks like carpet. I learned a neat grass trick from this model here:
its a fast move that makes a ton of difference