Hi everyone,
I'm new to the forum. So someone can help me?
Turning on the internet I read that it's possible ( I'm not sure) choose camera position on sketch up and, after import model have the same camera setting in Keyshot. Also Keyshot 4 have a plug in for Sketch Up where import camera setting; so I try this. I create a simple model in Sketch Up, I choose 2/3 view and I import model in Keyshot but when I check on Keyshot my view, I only see 1 view (Windows view that I have in Sketch Up)and the distance to the model is different.
So I try another way: install Plug in in SU with camera setting, find xyz camera setting and insert information in Keyshot camera setting, but camera is completely different.
Now I hope there is another way and someone can help me
p.s. Sorry for my English