There is one at the 3d-warehouse, not the most beautiful one and pretty heavy. But it's a tomato...
There is one at the 3d-warehouse, not the most beautiful one and pretty heavy. But it's a tomato...
Great one. I love that the source SU-file is not locked anymore after opening the exported file.
Thank you very much. It's good to see Kerkythea is indeed not left behind .
Oh thank you, your work saves nerves, it works great. A real release from the toolbar-pain sketchup causes regular .
Thank you!!!!!
Probiere auch schon seit einigen Stunden damit herum. Es ist sehr überzeugend, da es auch Modelle rendert, bei denen es Exportprobleme mit jeder Version von SU2KT gibt (Texturen, fehlende Komponenten oder Gruppen, etc.). Auch Animationen mit Face-me Komponenten lassen bei kinderleichter Bedienung keine Wünsche offen. Es gibt auch einen kleinen Bug, den man für sich ausnutzen kann wenn einem 800x600 ausreicht : bei Animationen fehlt das Wasserzeichen im Ergebnis, da kann man bei 1 Frame/s auch nette Ergebnisse für seine Szenen haben, sollte ich mal melden. Mir fehlt aber die "instance brush" Funktion von Kerkythea sowie die Polygon Stabilität. Man konnte halt doch sehr üppige Modelle, wie xFrog Bäume beherzt pflanzen, ohne dabei Sketchup sterben zu sehen, na mal sehen, was Thea bringt. Im Vergleich der integrierten kann ich mich reymond nur anschließen und für den (momentanen) Preis ein echter Knaller, man kann es ja einfach als kleine Spende für das KT Entwicklerteam sehen und bekommt noch was dafür. Übrigens hat Twilight bei mir auch Modelle gerendert, bei denen vray als Platzhirsch einfach versagt hat (Texturen oder Komponenten wurde nicht verarbeitet).
A plugin like this was overdue. Thank you so for this productivity increasing plugin. Creating lots of face me components was always annoying a bit because of centering the axis, now its fun - you're great!!!!!
@gaieus said:
I also used to use AVG and I did like it although for some reason, this Avast sems top be more "convenient" for me now. But I can't say anything wrong about AVG
The same for me, I've nearly tried every product and ended since one and a half year with avast and am satisfied, regarding terms of reliability and resource charge.
Thanks for the great work and the time you've spent!
Wie Burkhard schon gesagt hat, kann SU alleine keine gekrümmten Flächen schließen, wenn Du ohne Skripte eine gebogene Fläche brauchst, kannst Du nur ein zBsp Kreissegment als 2D Fläche zeichnen und dann extrudieren (siehe aufwändige Grafik). Aber dafür gibt es ja das:
Der Burkhard war schneller, ich kann mich nur anschließen, auf alle Fälle mehr in Gruppen und Komponenten arbeiten.
Hab mal quick und dirty mit besagtem Skript soapskinbubble.rb die Flächen gekittet. Mit diesem Skript hast Du außerdem schöne, gewölbte Flächen... wie gemacht für Stromlinienförmige Körper...
What a suitable question to my latest experiences. And COMPARISON!
I recently bought a new computer and decided to take a HD4850 512MB GDDR4 from Powercolor. And I'm more than satisfied with the performance. The most important thing about is that the card is really silent, nearly not noticeable (I spent few Euros to keep the whole machine silent). If you need a silent one with fantastic performance, go for the powercolor. You can flash the card's bios to make it even more silent. If you like to, I send my modified 4850 bios to you, copain.
All I can say is that the powercolor runs pretty fine with Sketchup, which I'm using a lot due to my teaching position.
A friend of mine has the 8800GT in his machine (what a fortuity) and he took his computer for comparisons to me. One thing I must commit, is that the CPUs are different: Mine is an Intel Q6600@ 3.0GHz and his was an Intel dual core something @3.4GHz, so all in one his machine should be faster for SU usage...
So we started with a clean and fresh installation of SU7 and did different everyday stuff. We opened up some small and large models, tried to do this simultaneously, we did selections, orbiting, Animation and jpeg export (what of course not depends on the GPU power) and even did the both available SU-benchmark tests here in the Forum and the result was regarding the different GPUs and CPUs very surprising.
There was none!
The only difference was in the Benchmark tests with a difference of a half frame/s but irregular, sometimes the 4850 was faster 0.5fps, sometimes the 8800GT was. So after everything we tried OUR conclusion was that only the price and the noise makes the difference, which makes the HD4850 512MB GDDR4 from Powercolor to be the first choice.
Even if we tried some games there was, reflecting the benchmark lists on the Internet, no noticeable difference in things of daily usage. Maybe you can measure different values with expensive equipment but for the user himself, every noticed difference must be some kind of voodoo .
-just my 2 cents
Amazing like the previous one, a 1000 thanks. Unbelievable that its for free.
Hmm, so far something between enthusiasm and disappointment, this so long awaited update. Some nice improvements indeed.
Has anyone already tried the framerate-testfile by Jackson?
I don't know if it's because of my SU7 isn't pumped up with so many plugins or if its better because of being better.
On my really old and soon replaced P4 machine I had 8.5 fps with SU 6 and 11.9 fps with SU 7. Anyone else experienced this """improvement"""?
SU-FPS-testfile by Jackson (thanks again for this!):
It was mentioned to repeat the test for three times.
An effort?
Hi b-o,
hast Du das Problem schonmal im Kerkythea Forum gepostet?
Aufgrund der klasse Funktionen und der Leistungsfähigkeit, würde ich nicht so schnell von Kerky die Finger lassen. Leider kenne ich mich mit dem Mac so rein gar nicht aus - bin aber der festen Überzeugung, dass sich noch ein bisschen Knobeln "auszahlen" wird. Billiger und besser kann man imho nicht rendern. Die Ergebnisse von Vray sind zwar mit relativ wenig Aufwand recht beeindruckend (so nach dem Motto: Wow, das hab ich gemacht? ), aber so richtig zufrieden wollte mich die Stabilität und Zuverlässigkeit nicht stellen, vorallem bei sehr komplexen Modellen, geht Vray zu schnell die Puste aus. Für den Preis....
@pixero said:
...or you could use ThinApp (theres a demo version) to make a portable version of SketchUp. Works like a charm.
I also used Virtualbox to setup a virtual "new" PC with a fresh intstall of XP. Then install ThinApp into it and run it and install SketchUp and add plugins, shortcuts and what ever settings you use and then finish up with ThinApp.
Yip you're right Pixero, this works great. Or you just take the portable version of virtualbox with you, to have your own xp on the road... but this needs admin permissions and a big pen too
btw wasn't there a need to delete the thinstalled aplications after the trialperiod was over...?
Yes of course, it's easy to encrypt an usb pen. The problem was, that I wanted to put some personal data (f.e. paid scripts) on my portable desktop (modjo drive) without de- and encrypting 3gb (2gig for my su only, with all textures and components) of data on a usb device what takes way to long. It might have been useful for me, if there is something like login and boot for modjo and all its data is in untouchable container, only modjo has access to after login' in. Thats what I meant. Sorry for my inarticulately english
I tried it, including SU. Very nice intention behind this program. Easy to setup and works like a charm.
But as I tried to use it on a PC where I can't logon with administrative permissions it didn't work.
I'm teaching SU on a college and wanted to show the students how my personal SU with all the plugins looks and works like (esp. the paid scripts) and it failed. Too bad.
Beside I was missing an easy-to-use-encryption. By placing all my valuable scripts on a usb pen i may loose, anyone who finds it could browse through the (program files) folders (i think i was reading about improvements on this in the newest version...).
For everyone having access to several pcs with admin permissions i would recommend it. Its a nice, "cheap" and better working alternative to thinstall
-just my opinion
For me Paypal works great too. Beside: eBay-Germany gives away credit notes to paypal users randomly so they gave me already over 50€ total in the past year. Nice goodies . Anywhere else such experiences?