@tig said:
Why not use
etc and return theangle.radians
to see what it is in degrees too... skip all of the PI and radian confusion...=====> I tested with 90.degrees, but I thought it was the conversion that was bad
Why are you making your axe/up vectors so complex ?
Your figures are off too...
axe = Geom::Vector3d.new(-0.999782867743517, -0.0208378829670674, 0.0)=====> because it is real vectors returned with axe.inspect
I was given a real example.Which is a very tiny number that's ALMOST zero
This is a a simple tolerance issue...
======>Tolerance has importance here because it is cumulative.
BUT to test for tiny values use something like:
a 'rounding' method - here to 6dp.
trueThis will then trap for these tiny inaccuracies...