Hi, I have been working on a model for quite a long time,
and now got stuck on a weird and work-breaking bug that prevents
me from finishing my model.
Basically, I have a group containing a small model, and I'm working inside that group.
I need to copy a section of the model, (using ctrl+move or ctrl+c ctrl+v), to work with
it separately, but as soon as I clic with de mouse to place the copied piece, it deforms
randomly by about 2-4 millimeters. This make the piece unusable because the misaligned
sides can't blend properly with the rest of the model.
After the copy, if I check the model, a few errors are found:
Il vertice di inizio o fine per CArcCurve (697) non รจ valido - corretto
wich translated in english is:
The start or end point for CArcCurve (697) is invalid - correct
I've attached the problematic group.
I've used the same identical group a few times in the same model and until they are copied, they work fine
I'm using the latest version of sketchup 2017
Thank you!
the file contaning the problematic group