@gaieus said:
If you've messed your model up with layers and such, the best would be to upload it here so that we can have a look. It's extremely hard to "imagine" the logic of such a mess...
Gaieus, thanks.
No, as I noted in my original post, I'm pretty good about doing all of the primary modeling on "Layer 0". What confused me was why SketchUp didn't create edges where it seemed they should be -- as in when a door frame ends up sitting a little below the wall depth of what I'd designed. As I mentioned, I was (mistakenly) told to use the "intersect" command(s) to create some edges where I wanted them, but it seems that just manually editing the particular component and adding an edge at the right depth is the way to go. I may have had the stray "remnants" from using the intersect command show up in different groups, but I realize I wasn't properly editing the group (or component) in question when that happened.
Again, thanks for all the help.