RE: Furniture Models
Here is a whole bedroom set. Once again no mattress or pillows could be shared.
RE: Furniture Models
Here is a bathroom vanity. The sink was from Formfonts, so I can not include. Most of the renders here are Thea. I think there are a couple from Twilight.
RE: Kitchen with a big island.
The pot rack doesn't look real too me. Maybe if it was copper. The green reflections in the pot are a little harsh. I think overall this image could use a little tweaking of materials to help make it more realistic.
RE: Website design for a client - home collection
Can you enlarge the exterior shots when you click on them? I am using chrome and cannot. I would like to be able to do that.
RE: Furniture Models
Here is a couple of coffee tables. The 3 legged proved to have too delicate of lines in real life. It was not as sturdy as I had hoped.
Furniture Models
Having been a furniture maker for many years before switching to cg work, I have amassed a large collection of furniture I have made, quoted, or just designed for myself or someone else. I figured I would start sharing the models.
RE: Workflow in Cabinet shop
Gelis, I have spent the last 7 years (until this May when I started freelancing cg work) as the production supervisor for a decent sized furniture manufacturer. I am quite aware of the need to get a straight concise workflow established. That being said it is really difficult to do such a thing not knowing the ins and outs of your particular shop. Are you running a cnc cut, edgeband and build operation and bringing in doors and drawers or is this a complete custom shop. A good start I found is to pick up the book "The Toyota Way" That way you can start picking up some lean manufacturing knowledge and terminology. I hope I have been some help.
RE: Copyright infringment question for using warehouse models.
A subscription to form fonts is very affordable and great filler.
RE: New freelancer help
Thanks everyone. I had already used paypal a few times for invoicing, but hadn't realized until looking into it further that you didn't need to have a paypal acct. to pay. This seems like an easier method than waiting weeks for a check to arrive.
RE: New freelancer help
Thanks d12dozr, I use paypal all the time and for whatever reason, I hadn't even considered it. I think I will try and go that route.
New freelancer help
I have recently switched to working from home full time after spending the last fifteen years up to my elbows in sawdust. I am happy to have made the switch. I have managed to stay somewhat busy, but could always use a few more steady customers. I have recently come across more people looking to pay with credit cards. I have looked into it a little, but there is so many options. Does anyone have any suggestions? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
RE: What type of wood.
I would use soft maple. Stains usually soak in more in ply, so I would either wipe fast or use a thinned down shellac wash on the maple. Test everything before if there is any question.
RE: What type of wood.
I would use soft maple. Stains usually soak in more in ply, so I would either wipe fast or use a thinned down shellac wash on the maple. Test everything before if there is any question.
Bathroom vanities with a little help from Thea
Here are a few examples from a line of bathroom vanities.