Hi, is there a plugin that puts/writes automatic the length of a solid group on the groups surface?
I have many lumbers and I need to write the length of them...
Auto Length
RE: Call for translators
Hi, I can help you with HUngarian. Just send me the words...
Trim multiple solids with one solid
Hi, I have 248 Solid Groups which need to trim with 1 Big (green) Solid Group. It's possible to do with 1-2 clicks instead of 150 mouse clicks?
Trim a group in two
Hello, when I Trim a solid group in two slice, see the attachments, the 2. group are remain still one solid group (A) instead to make 2 separate solid groups (B)... Is there a plugin to fix this?
RE: [Plugin] Groups to Components
@tig said:
@koliboti said:
Hi, do you guys have plugin that makes components to groups, that work wit SU2015?
I assume you mean to make component-instances into groups ?
This one liner processed a selection. Making any component-instances into groups, using the same name/layer/material/attributes as the original...m=Sketchup.active_model;a=m.active_entities;s=m.selection;m.start_operation('!');s.grep(Sketchup;;ComponentInstance).each{|i|g=a.add_group();e=g.entities;n=e.add_instance(i.definition, i.transformation);n.explode;g.name=i.definition.name;g.layer=i.layer;g.material=i.material;i.attribute_dictionaries.each{|d|d.each_pair{|k,v|g.add_attribute(d.name,k,v)}}if i.attribute_dictionaries;i.erase!;};m.commit_operation
Thank you very-very much TIG! it works perfect also with imported 3ds objects.
RE: [Plugin] Groups to Components
Hi, do you guys have plugin that makes components to groups, that work wit SU2015?