PDF 2 DXF 2.0, converts PDF documents to DXF files.
Thanks for the quick reply and the printable directions.
Didier Bur
I know you want to protect your work, and I certainly agree with that position, but did you mean to make the PDF file unprintable? I have a note book filled with directions on using scripts, and this particular script will not print.
Thanks for the script and thanks in advance for your reply.
None at the present. Live just below Charlotte, NC, but working in Houston for the near future. Should be home in 4 to 5 weeks.
Thanks Kristoff
I live in a restricted age community; I prefer to call it a “kid’s free zone”. In this community, they are very strict about what you can and cannot do around the house. They offered two car garages, but no storage access above the garage. The new homes at another of this builder sites, now has attic access and storage. I looked at the trusses, and they have what is called attic trusses, where I now have what is called a queen brace roof truss.
Would like to be able to solve the storage problem. I am sure that more than one person would pay to have this done if the cost were reasonable.
Working in Houston at the present, won’t be home for another 5 weeks.
Thanks again
Thanks for the info. When I get home, I will go into the attic and get the measurements and make a model for the truss vender to see what they can come up with.
Don’t have the option for an out building because of the restrictions.
Does any know if it is possible to change a queen post truss to an attic truss? I live in a home that has a queen post truss system for the garage roof, and I would like to change this to an attic truss system, so I could use the space above the garage for storage.
Just wondering if it is possible to change the truss system in place without replacing the whole roof.
Thanks in advance
Not sure how I missed your note. That would be nice. As I said I have modified Didier’s and TIG "All Plugings Help Files ..." script to open up the Wordpad program, however, I can’t get it to open the Wordpad program and the selected TXT message. Side note, can't seem to find any Ruby help in opening other programs.
I am using Wordpad because it has more formatting capabilities than Notepad.
I have put in the Help menu a choice, “Project Notes”. When selected this checks the directory Notes, (which I have made) for TXT files, just like the “All Plugins Help Files...” script checks for Help files.
Anyway, I would appreciate your help.
Note, if this project information is stored in the model, would it move from model to model as I rename the various version I save to keep track of the work in progress? Also, would want to be able to print the Project Notes, so I could pass them along to others. Also, these notes could get large, as I get a lot of email advice and comments that I would like copy into the file and keep track of.
Well, again thanks for the offer. Hope to be able to return the favor.
Thanks all
Todd Burch
Looked at snippets.rb. Almost what I want. However, I can’t get Wordpad to open the selected file in the script that I am modifying.
The ToDoList is something I may buy and use, however, right now it does not keep all the info I want to keep track of.
Dave R
Tried to modify that program. Got Wordpad to open by using the code, “UI.openURL("wordpad")”. However, I can not get Wordpad to open a particular txt file.
Doesn’t seem to be a problem without admin permissions. Side note, with no capitals in your name, any relation to e.e. cumming, the poet?
Also thought of opening file name associated with the file name. However, I save many different versions, so the notes would not be in one file, so I want to select the name to use.
Dave R
I have some macro programming in Excel, but Ruby is just beyond my capabilities. However, I am going to give it a whirl.
To all
I have shamelessly modified the script, “Didier and TIG Help file locator”. Almost have it working to find and modify a txt file of notes in the note directory that I have created.
This exercise has made me want to start scripting, so I have a lot of info to go over, but it will be worth the effort. I would share the almost completed project_notes script I have now, but it would not be fair to Didier and TIG. Hope you two don’t mind me using it as a bases for my start into Ruby scripting.
Thanks to all
I use TurboCad 14 Deluxe, $99/US, it will import native SketchUp files. In addition, it is very similar to ACAD and will open and save 2007 ACAD files on downward to R14.
When I import a SketchUp file, I use TurboCad three point circle and arc commands to redo all the arcs and circles. Not hard to do and gives accurate results.
TurboCad will render a 3d import, however, I found it is just easier to do a rendering in SketchUp and import the image.
Be careful, there is a program from Punch call Versa Cad, and it indicates it will import SketchUp files. However, I haven't been able to get it to work.
I have SketchUp Pro 6, however, with free Google SketchUp and TurboCad 14, you have Sketchup Pro and Layout in these two program at only $99/US.
TurboCad 14 is everything I think Layout has tried to be.
Would like to requests a script to open up either WordPad or Notepad while in SketchUp. I would like the script to creat a directory in the SketchUp program directory called “NOTES” and in this directory have creat three directories, called “GENERAL”, “CHANGES-MODS” and “VERSION TRACKER” if these directories are not present. I envision that all my projects Notes would be in these directories. This way it would make it easier for me to copy the notes for a project; I wouldn’t have to remember which directory the project has been stored into. On the road, I use different computers, so my projects and not always in the same directory.
After opening the script, I envision a choice of going to the, General, Change-Mods or Version Tracker to look up the notes and info for the open project.
I have an unbelievable amount of small paper notes, with all kinds of info for the project and it seems I never get all the information taken with me as I travel. So if I had one place to copy the Notes for a project I could keep up on the information overload I seem to be in during work.
I got this idea from using the scrip “plugins_help_TIG.rb”, by TIG. TIG thanks for this and all the other scripts you have written.
Thanks in advance. Hope I haven't offended anyone by making this request.
@jim said:
You could also use a "master" scene that would reset the model when selected. And there is the File > Revert menu option, which will revert the model back to the state when first opened.
Checked my "file revert". My revert is grey out, and I haven't found any way to ungrey the revert. So what do I need to do to use revert?
Oops, never mind. Was looking at a file that I had not done anything to, so when I added a new section, saw that revert was not greyed. So, thanks for at least making me aware of the revert option, because I sometimes can realy mess up my work.
Ken again
Hello, a little off topic
I have used Intellicad but found it harder to use than ACAD lite. Now I use TubroCAD 14, which imports .SKP files. Note, I only use TubroCAD 14 to make 2d drawing of the steel plate parts of the welding habitats I design. Sketchup does not do a 2d layout that can be used on an automatic cutting machine in the fab shop. So I import the 2d layout from Sketchup to TubroCAD and export an ACAD file that the machine shop can use.
Also do all the dimensioning in TubroCAD 14. I can do a much better layout in TubroCAD 14 than the slow Sketchup layout program.
Only thing I need to change is the circles and arcs. Just replace them in TubroCAD. I know it seems like a lot of work, but using Sketchup allows me to make complicated welding habitats.
Certainly not as cheap as Intellicad, however is cheaper than ACAD lite, and after getting use to the menus, and much easier.
After doing an extensive Google search I am beginning to believe that this plugin does not exist. I have been trying different ways to make a Sketchup video to satisfy myself that a video could be made that illustrates the same functions.
Don’t want to cast a sour note, but I can not believe that this plugin exist and there is absolutely no information about the plugin.
However, I am hoping that I am wrong, because this is a plugin I could use.
On my machine, I can not render above 4000 pixels width without the dreaded "file failed to save". My solution was to turn off the Anti-alias, than I could render above the 4000 limit.
So make sure that you don’t have the Anti-alias option checked.
@fletch said:
This is really a great script you've done, thanks for sharingI have always dreamed of a polyline tool that works in SU like it does in ACAD... in ACAD the polyline is forced to stay in the plane of the axis you are using... there is a 3DPolyline tool in ACAD that works very much like the one you've provided w/ your bezier curve tool.
So one tiny request (hopefully tiny) is there a way you could, after selecting the first point for the polyline tool, one could right-click and choose 'lock Z axis' and in this way it would draw all other points forcing them to match the exact elevation of the initial point? (This would be very handy for 'tracing' in plan view over the top of difficult geometry that one cannot seem to close/create a face from no matter what one does.)
I also do some tracing over PDF documents/drawings that I have turned into jpg’s. After scaling I put a rectangle face group aligned at the axis I want over the drawing, make the material, usually the color yellow, almost transparent and do the trace on the face, never wondering off into space.
Can anyone tell me why on my desktop computer, with XP, not professional, I get no error message when loading these scripts, however on my laptop, XP Professional, I get the following error messages. Note, the scripts on both computer are the same.
Thanks in advance.
Error Loading File align_2D.rb
(eval):403: compile error
(eval):23: syntax error
module Align2d
(eval):403: syntax errorError Loading File align_tool.rb
(eval):527: compile error
(eval):510: syntax error
def align_tool
(eval):527: syntax error
@tricias said:
Hello Ken/Gai,
Interesting info about TurboSketch as it can install Google SketchUp Free. We'll see if we can experiment with that one in house.
I know you need to go off to work, but a quick question Ken if you don't mind. You state
"After seeing that I did not have the problem with the install scripts, I re-installed all my scripts. Still no problem." What scripts are you talking about?Cheers,
Before I do any SketckUp installation, upgrade or re-installation, I always save the script folder and components onto another drive. This way I make sure I don't over write my scripts or components. So after the new installation of Ver 6.0.515 and it worked, I Moved my scripts to the SketchUp folder. Also, move my components back also.
Attached is all the scripts I use.
@gaieus said:
At the end of the Help menu there is an "About plugins" menu. Does your SU say anything about them there?
Yes, in the ver 6.0.1099, ver I am not using now, in "About plugins", all the plugins were listed. And in the ver 6.0.515 which I am using now, the all the plugins are listed there also.