Yes, I tried with a PNG file, but can't get it to work. Does it work for you with PNG? If so, how did you do it? thanks,
RE: Are opacity settings available for imported jpegs?
Are opacity settings available for imported jpegs?
Does anyone know if you can change the opacity of a JPEG(or PDF) that you import into LO? I've been trying to make that work, with no success? Much thanks,
RE: Scrapbook symbols are hidden behind model once inserted
Thanks..that makes sense..I didn't know that...I'll give it a try...
I'm finding when I am dimensioning my elevation plan, that the dimension tool is accurate when I am dragging my dimensions on a flat surface, but am finding now that if there is a section of the building sticking out and say I start from the ground at the protruding section and move to the top which is a recessed part of the building, the dimension tool is reading the model still in the 3D terms, so I am not getting true vertical dimensions but rather point A to point B dimensions within 3d space. I have my model with perspective off. Are there any other settings I'm missing to prevent this from happening, so I can get the true dimensions on my elevations? much thanks,
RE: Scrapbook symbols are hidden behind model once inserted
I tried both of those things, and they usually work, but for some reason, not in this case. I did find this though: I am trying to place symbols on my elevation page. I had the SU model set to hybrid(with shadows). When I turned it back to vector, there was no problem. The scrapbook symbol placed itself automatically on top of the SU viewport. I will go with this, but does anyone know why hybrid and raster are different in this way? thanks, Keea
RE: Scrapbook symbols are hidden behind model once inserted
Hi sorry for my ignorance, but what is the model's viewport and how could I check that? thanks,
Scrapbook symbols are hidden behind model once inserted
Does anyone know why my scrapbook symbols and line drawings as well, are appearing behind my embedded SU model? I can't use them at present because they go hidden behind the model. I tried bringing symbol to the front under 'ARRANGE' but that isn't working. I'm in the middle of construction drawings and this hasn't happened before for me. Can someone help me on this one? much thanks,
RE: Unwanted black border box around all text was just pushing the stroke button to turn it on and off, which I wasn't aware of...thanks so much,
Unwanted black border box around all text
This is probably a very stupid question, but I have an unwanted black border box appearing around any text I am trying to type in LO and don't know how to shut it off. Does anyone have any experience with this? much thanks,
Yes, this suggestions seems like it could work very well. How does one go about with a request like this to the Google Sketch Up programmers? That would be a very helpful addition...
Maybe I should make and edit the whole table from Word and then import it in when it is complete. Would this sound easier than you suggestion? Still open to trying anything in this regard..thanks,
Does anyone have any experience with making, say, a window schedule table for LO. I am thinking that a template could be made in LO and saved in scrapbooks, yet inserting text doesn't move within the table like an excel document would, so that became the problem. I tried creating a table in Word and importing it in as a PDF, but that also didn't work if I want to use it as a template to fill text in in LO. Does anyone know the best approach for this, as I'd really like to figure this out in making my construction drawings..much thanks, Keea
Changing text opacity levels?
Is it possible to change the opacity level of text in LO, or turn text to grey? Would be very helpful, but can't seem to get it to work. Does anyone have any insight? thanks, Keea
RE: 3 button mouse unable to orbit/pan
Thanks, minutes ago, I read online to try to uninstall usb overdrive from my computer, and it did the trick. It is orbiting fine now. thanks so much, Keea
RE: 3 button mouse unable to orbit/pan
I have a logitech optical mouse. In the control panel, I can't find an option to set the scroll wheel as anything, only left and right as the primary button. Any ideas on this one? thanks for you help, Keea
3 button mouse unable to orbit/pan
Could someone help me figure out why my 3 button mouse can't do the orbit and pan function. The mouse is fine. I just moved onto a Mac G5, downloaded sketch up, activated the pro version, and started trying it out, and am not able to orbit or pan with the center button and left button at all. This is the first time this has ever happened. I went to preferences, and tried to find a setting that would reset the mouse, but not having luck. As you can imagine, this is crippling for trying to use sketch up when you are so used to this feature. Any insight would be very much appreciated....thanks,
RE: Hardware recommendations
I just moved onto a used Mac os x 10.5 DUAL 2 GHz PowerPC G5 8 GB DDR SDRAM. It has a 128 VRAM ATI RADEON 9600 video card. I know that is the minimum video card sketch recommends, especially for the PRO version. I am wondering if I need to bump it up to 512 VRAM. Will I notice a big difference in this leap, or is it more subtle and unnecessary? I do quit a bit of design work within SU/LO, so I do want to get set up the best I can within reason. Does anyone have any insight into this need? thanks,
thanks so much..I'll give it a try. I really appreciate your time in this...Keea
I've never understood the purpose of layers. I have primarily used the outliner to organize my models. Before, when I first started sketchup I used layers and it began a premature balding process, because I didn't know groups and components yet. I've really liked the outliner, but what is the outliner for if layers is doing all of that. Could someone help me clarify this, as I am doing much production work now and have been organizing my work in this certain way. Am willing to change, just need the sketchucation. thanks so much,