Fredo6's Bezier tool includes a polyline. Does this do what you want?
Later: edited to attribute the script correctly (I hope).
[image: VYx6_bz.jpg]
Susan, I just noticed that you did mention this in your first post in the other thread. Sorry. I couldn't find any entry point. Maybe Coen will notice this and respond. Have you PM's him?
Maybe you are just reading a little too much into this Juan?
If is was to be named the "Official SU Forums" or something similar I may agree with you. I read "Home of the SU Community" and find myself agreeing.
But, we are all different and have different opinions.
Thanks Jujú,
I´ve just found this man, jewish, talking about 2.012
Really interesting and his web-page too :
one of the good points of my 2007 was meeting you guys and becoming an active member of this community.
may we be as helpful and friendly to each other as we have been so far.
i wish you all a great 2008.