LO doesn't support the new hiddenline drawing in hybrid or vector.
It will only show them in raster. In hybrid mode it first renders
everything except edges (it turns off ALL edges) and then it
draws all visible edges as vector on top of the raster image.
RE: Does layout not support hidden lines?
RE: Help With Export
@otis said:
Uh oh, spoke too soon. When I convert to a pdf I get this crosshatch of lines dividing the poster into ten or so squares. What can I do to rid these lines. I have no idea where they came from as I don't have them in the LO file.
Does it not work using the native File->Export->PDF (I assume you're seeing this problem with PDFCreator)?
RE: Tiling a plan from a large to a smaller sheet
I would add a crosshair (just 2 lines intersecting) to the SU model in a group where you want the model to be split across LO pages.
Then in LO insert the model on a page, set the scale and then use the precise move tool to move the center of the crosshairs to the corner of the paper. Make sure you have grid display on and gridsnap so you can precisely place the model. Repeat this for each page. -
RE: Issue with 'saving last scene in SU'
The only thing I can think of is you changed the names of the Scenes in SU. If that's the case, LO can't find the Scene anymore and will revert to "Last saved view".
RE: Disappearing text on export??
The Mac can render only 1024x1024 bitmaps in HW. SU tile renders the scene and then puts the tiles together into the final bitmap. There's a bug where text that spans tile boundaries will get clipped (what you're seeing).
Insert your models into LayOut and add your text in the LayOut document. -
RE: How to delete template in layout?
You should see a list of directories where templates are stored. -
RE: New Material Methods! (With bugs :( )
@tig said:
exists but doesn't work as expected !!!What is going on ???
It is working as intended. It would all make sense if you guys could see how the Ruby API is implemented in SU.
The Ruby API is a very thin wrapper around our C++ code. So in this case we have a CMaterialManager class
in SU and the Ruby Materials class wraps CMaterialManager. When you get Materials from the model you get the
Ruby wrapper around CMaterialManager. CMaterialManager knows nothing about the model. Its just
a std::vector<CMaterial*> CMaterialVec; and all Materials.remove does is call
CMaterialManager.RemoveMaterial(CMaterial*), which just removes the given material from the CMaterialVec.
What everyone is asking for is probably a new method in model called model.remove_material (you guys can start
another thread on what it should be called). This new method would live in model because
model owns Materials and the entities that are assigned the materials. So model has all the info
needed to implement what you are asking for. Sorry for messing this up, I sneaked these new methods
in right before release which didn't get properly reviewed by the beta group because there were no
release notes made for the new methods. -
RE: Testing /Largeaddressaware property in SU 8
@al hart said:
In general, LAA is not going to make things any faster. The only time it comes into play is when SketchUp actually runs out of memory, which would cause a Bug Splat, or error message. In that case LAA might help you process the larger database.
Its like putting a bigger gas tank in your car- it will make you go further, but tell me why this would make your car faster?
RE: Testing /Largeaddressaware property in SU 8
@unknownuser said:
is that why exporting in SUmac used to be superior?
[just curious]No, by definition, Macs are superior.
RE: Testing /Largeaddressaware property in SU 8
Test.eat_mem(# bytes)
I know the Ruby scripters like to snoop where they shouldn't (i.e. find undoc'd Ruby commands) so they would have eventually found this. -
RE: Stretch inserted content to cover entire document?
File->Document Setup...->Grid
Uncheck Clip grid to page margins
Turn on Grid display
Make sure grid snap is on
You should now be able to resize and snap to the page corners -
RE: Change Paper Size
You could try exporting to PDF and printing from Adobe Reader with scaling options.
RE: LO3 shadows don't have locality
@biff said:
But everyone has to tweak their images and orientations in LO for the final presentation.
What settings are you tweaking in LO that you can't in SU?
Note that if you tweak things in LO and you see (Modified) listed in the SU dialog for the Scene name, its not going to render what SU is rendering- that's what (Modified) means, you modified the Scene in some way, so LO takes a snapshot of the Scene because it thinks since you modified the Scene you want your changes to stick. LO will only match what you see in SU if you have a Scene selected in LO and it isn't marked (Modified). Also, if you change the shadow light/dark settings, you need to update the Scene afterwards to capture the new settings and LO will only render those new settings if the Scene isn't
marked (Modified). -
RE: Move a Parallel Camera
You need to use camera.height in parallel mode.
RE: Huge Layout Files
The LayOut file contains the skp file and all the rendered models.
What do you have your "Edit Resolution" set to? By default its
Medium. I would set that to low and see how it feels. -
RE: Missing Pages
Was your document entirely created in 3.0? There was a bunch of file corruption bugs fixed in 3.0.
If you initially created the doc in 2.1 it may have had some corrupted items that 3.0 catches
and cleans up. But cleaning up may cause pages/entities to be lost. -
@cmeed said:
But as soon as i moved the dims in around the LO page they changed.
You probably disconnected the dims from the model. Double-click on the dimension to edit the dimension and move things around.
RE: LayOut, Document Set Up, Multiple References Updates
This is not possible. There's a feature request logged for this.
RE: Bug or Bad Practices?
I import a scene. After adjusting it for scale, I click out of model edit to size and place it.
Are you in model edit mode when you're setting the scale and see the problem?
Do you see the problem when setting the scale when not in model edit mode?