Hi, Matt
Hope this helps, its horizontal tileable.
file name: forest-bckg1 (horz tileable).jpg
poster-Jan Vdb
Hi, Matt
Hope this helps, its horizontal tileable.
file name: forest-bckg1 (horz tileable).jpg
poster-Jan Vdb
@regh said:
Okay- this one precedes Sketchup by a couple of years, but it had some graphics capabilities.
Anyone recall these?
Hi RegH
I think it is a Amiga 1000 or Commodora 128
[Jan Vdb]
Hi, Coen
@unknownuser said:
This seems to be the Carrara 3D homepage, correct me if I'm wrong. http://www.daz3d.com/i.x/software/carra%20...%202d7683b9/?
Just info...
As for as i now there are 3 versions of Carrara.
P: Jan Vdb
@unknownuser said:
Thanks a lot Jan. Sorry about the delay.
No problem Matt
Hope you can use it.
poster-Jan Vdb
Thanks, Ron and Charlie for this great contribution.
poster-Jan Vdb
As an alternative you can use Xline.
It converts edges to construction lines.
Greetings, Jan
P: Jan Vdb
Hi Didier,
Works now perfectly!! Thanks
Had the same problem as you, removed every housbuilder script from the plugin folder and did a re-install with the new script. Problem was solved.
[Jan Vdb]
Hi, Didier
Sorry to say that the new icons don't make any difference
Greetings, Jan Vdb
Hi, Didier
Have the same problem as Daniel.
Have clearly carried out the instructions of the readme file, but still can't see any icons.
Work with a PC. (AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core processor 4200+ /NVIDIA Geforce 7800 GT SLI)
Thanks, Jan Vdb