Normaly we have in the Netherlands freezing cold weather but not so much snow. Last year we had a snowy winter, and this winter it is also very snowy. For the upcoming weekend we have a snow warning, because lot's of snow is coming.
RE: First snow here this year.
RE: Assange talking about Wikileaks
Wikileaks let the world see and read what the American gouverment thinks about the leaders in the rest off the world. But i guess the other contry's off the world have also their thoughts about the leaders in America and other country's in the world.
So that's not the problem or the main issue. It is the fact that people can reach that information and make it public. There should be an investigation to conclude who this could happened. Not the people off wikileaks are bad, but the people who sleeped while the information is leaked out are.....
RE: (WIP) Mies van der Rohe's Gericke House - updated Jan 10
Very nice modeled and rendered, wich renderer do you use for this.
Soccer WC 2018/2022
Today is the day that the FIFA is announced who is organise the WC 2018. After a lot off skandels around the FIFA and the BBC also.
We hope that we (the Netherlands/Belgium) will get the finals for 2018. But with strong competitors like England and Russia or perhaps Spain/Portugal it is waiting for the result of the bid.What is your favorite for the organisation in 2018
RE: Happy Holiday or happy Christmas?
I normaly say : Happy Christmas Holiday so there is no difference between both.
Join them together and every is happy -
RE: A new leather sofa (wip)
The same sofa but with other lightning and fabric, a gipsy fabric but very nice for rendering.
A new leather sofa (wip)
As a newbie a tried everything also the soap and skin bubble. And there i started to modelling a sofa.
This is what i model, and rendered in kerkythea also new to me, but i learned a lot from the tutorials. -
RE: Backside Sofa modelling
Thanks, this is exactly the thing i needed.
I will make a sofa, and let you see how it works out
Backside Sofa modelling
I want to modell a sofa with a nice old english backside. The one with little "holes" in it.
Like the one's in the picture.Is there a tutorial or plugin for this sort of modelling. I know that i can make a pillow in subdivide and smooth, but i don't know how to make these little holes.
RE: Got a sign?
Vote in America is quite interesting. But here in the Netherlands we have also a very interesting election. With Geert Wilders, the man who wants all off the moslims out of the Netherlands and off course Europe. Now he is working out to get our Queen downgrading to a normal citizen of Holland.
But we had also some of the pictures
RE: Reflection from image on window glass?
Perhaps the window is looking to the backside of de landscape component. When you rotate the picture component ?
If had the same problem also, and that was the solution for it
Can't see if a face is selected or not
When i see some interesting tutorials, i see something weird or possible not.
When someone is selecting a face, the face is light up a little bit bleu/grey. But when i do that on my computer i don't see anything. So i don't know when i have selected a face or not.
This is very tricky when you use a plugin like the new roof plugin.Can somebody say me, what is the problem ?
RE: RpTreeMaker plants
Yes very nice, they worked for me very good.
thanks a lot
RE: Question about materials
Thanks Gai..
This works perfectly, and i am now looking for the best working solution for my project
Question about materials
]When i made different forms and shapes and i use the same material, it handles different on these forms.
In normal forms like a rectangel or a tube my material is nicely wrapped around. But when i make sphere or a box with rounded edge's then the material is not nice wrapped around.
Is there a solution for this problem.Take a look at my sketchup file, to know what i mean.vraagje.skp
RE: I also want to create realistic grass
I made my grass with the fur plugin, and rendered in Kerkythea.
see this is small backyard, but he outcome is great grass.
I love the fur plugin
RE: Marathons etc
I have run more than 30 marathon's in my live (Apeldoorn, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Londen, New york) and it is great fun.
But when you wan't to achieve that you must exercise and start on the bottom. First run a half marathon or less and than go further to the whole marathon.I am now an ultra walker, i ran for 24 hours without any delay and to achieved the highest amount off meters.
But think on 1 thing it must be pleasure !!
Backyard test
I have been working on a model of my own house, and i have made a test render for the backyard.
There is a small piece off grass, and i think the render from is working very well.
RE: Play around with this test scene
I've played around for a little bit. But i am working on the lights inside the building.
But here is my first render on this test file
RE: FM Textures not showing
After your info i tested a lot, and i have the solution.
When i make the pipe along path, i must reverse faces, but i forget before that to explode the group. Then the faces are not reversing.So it works now i have learned another lesson today.
And FM in Kerkythea means Face Me.But without your answer i would still searching for an answer, so i would like say to you is my thanks.