yeh makes little sense
what I can say though is that the naysayers are a minority with a loud voice (the Cancer Council is one of them)
yeh makes little sense
what I can say though is that the naysayers are a minority with a loud voice (the Cancer Council is one of them)
It's starting to happen here in Oz.
E-cigarette smokers in Queensland will soon face the same tough restrictions as those who puff on traditional cigarettes.
Yahoo News (
This is bad news.
@stinkie said:
I bought an e-cig as well, a very cheap one, on a whim. I'm rather surprised as to how effective 'vaping' is. And no tar!
Well done Stinkie (ironically, we have given up the 'stinkies', and you have joined in...!!).....there is plenty of valuable support in here from Oli & Co if you need their advice.
@olishea said:
Also, the Provari V3 is coming out! I won't be getting one but just giving everyone a heads up.
My Provari is 11 months old, still looks as good as new but the button rattles a little at certain angles....appears to be working just fine though. I have been considering a backup unit for a while and there looks to be a few good (and less expensive choices) available.
The cost of the Provari was nearly $200AUS when I bought it......I wonder what the price tag on the new V3 will be ?!
That's a mighty fine looking unit Oli.
I saw a video recently and the guy was filling from the bottom which looked awkward, especially if you are out and about. They did say you can fill from the top but it takes less liquid than filling from the bottom.....or did I misunderstand ?
The Aspire BDC's are pretty good....I've never used an Evod so I can't comment on which is better although I hear a lot of good things about the would be so much easier if we had access to Vape shops (having to buy online is a pain in the @rse) I get about 10 -14 days use from them when I vape at 4.8. They are fairly reliable and only occasionally do I get a bit of gurgling and minor leaking.....the trick is not allowing the eliquid level to get too low.
I have a tobacco flavour in my collection, but it isn't one of my favourites. Mostly the cravings are only for a few minutes and it doesn't happen very often. It's just annoying that occasionally the brain switches into that craving mode every now and then. But it tells me how strong the cigarette addiction can be. I'm still vaping 18mg and don't feel quite ready to drop down to 12mg, although I have a few flavours which are 12mg and occasionally vape those. I smoked my last whole cigarette at a party on March 8th after getting a little p!ssed....!
Vaping has certainly made a big difference both to my health and my wallet...! .....and it is far more enjoyable to vape than to smoke..!
I'll never be able to express how grateful I am that you started this topic.
On the downside, the authorities in Western Australia raided a small online supplier, confiscated all of their stock and prosecuted them in a test case. Two other online suppliers (and there may well be more than that) have closed down after being concerned that they will be driven out of business too. So, things aren't looking good for the future of vaping over here in the long term. Let's hope common sense prevails.
Hiya Oli,
Looks like a neat setup.
In response to your earlier post, I'm doing quite well, but still feel the urge about once a fortnight or so to have an analogue, but manage to resist......I tried one back in late May and it was awful, so I just need to remind myself of that....!!
The cravings are not very frequent though, and certainly aren't that strong.
I'm still using the Provari with Aspire BDC tanks. Replacement coils for the Aspire are difficult to get in Australia at the moment because of their popularity.....but I still have a few of my old wick type tanks and coils to get me over the line if the BDC's wear out (which they will in the next few weeks....!)
What a great World Cup this is.....many high scoring, attacking matches....just what spectators love to see
....and some big names outed from the competition already.
I'll be glad when its over though....I look forward to getting to bed at a reasonable hour...!!
@unknownuser said:
But Australia and The Netherlands have shown the world that soccer is a festival where both supporters can drink and have a party side by side.
Perhaps 2022 in qatar will meet again.
Mate, us Aussies enjoy a drink and we are always happy to share a drink with the Dutch...!
Engineers should never mess around with anything that Architects use...!
I share Oli's frustrations, and it has got to the point where I doubt I can trust SketchUp these days.
The latest in my frustrations hinges around the North tool, or the absence thereof, and before anyone suggests using the North Tool plugin, let me say that the plugin doesn't cover all my bases.
It is time consuming, annoying, frustrating and unnecessary to have to fart arse around with setting up a project for a Sun Study and apply textures that become disoriented under the current system and never be certain that the information I am providing is correct.
There are legal implications for those of us who get a Sun Study wrong. We simply need to be able to set the location, GMT, allow for changes in seasonal time adjustments, and the date and times we require to be able to do what we have to do. Geo locating should be a choice instead of the only option...!
Well our Socceroos are out of the competition, not that we ever expected to beat the Netherlands.....but we went out in style and gave the Dutch a good run for their money
@solo said:
@gareth said:
Australia are world champions once again after thrashing the Netherlands 6 - 1.....!!!
oh....hang on....this topic is about Soccer....and Australia don't do so well at that.
In fact the Netherlands are about to seek revenge on Australia later this week after what we did to their Hockey team.....I have a feeling it won't be a very pretty score line.....!!
lol @ Kookaburras, there is just no respect for lawn hockey.
Indeed there is no respect.......that's cos it isn't even real grass any more...!
Australia are world champions once again after thrashing the Netherlands 6 - 1.....!!!
oh....hang on....this topic is about Soccer....and Australia don't do so well at that.
In fact the Netherlands are about to seek revenge on Australia later this week after what we did to their Hockey team.....I have a feeling it won't be a very pretty score line.....!!
Small buildings represent fascinating challenges.
Several months ago, we were working on a a low cost student housing scheme with a similar footprint of 6 x 6 metres (two storey of course)
Several things tormented me during that process, not the least of which was how to distribute the spaces usefully between Living and Amenity (Utility), and whether or not cross function (and the extent to which we should go with that) is appropriate give that there is a difference between the formal and informal needs of student accommodation to that of say a traditional house.
Secondly, we concluded that students should also be afforded a sense of lifestyle which is commensurate with a balance of study and relaxation and their social needs.
Thirdly, it would be quite common for two people to share this type of accommodation and therefore sleeping arrangements should reflect this and the design should allow for a degree of flexibility (eg double/queen beds for couples or 2 single beds for non partners). Sleeping arrangements present some difficult challenges especially if we become obsessed with considering all the likely scenarios.....! Perhaps it pays to avoid being too overwhelmed by this and simply surrender some good design principles and concede that not all options can be provided for.
Richard makes a very good point when considering doors. Sliding and outward opening (in the case of external doors) can offer significant space and circulation gains.
365 paintings in 365 days is a huge effort.
Lucky she didn't pick a leap year...!!
Oh it...!
You are a talented bastard aren't you...? I sound envious..?....jealous perhaps..?...well I am...!!
Footnote : Apparently the word 'bastard' is considered offensive in some Australia it is used as a term of endearment when used in this context. So, no offence intended (that should cover me against anyone who comes in here and shoots arrows at me)....and besides, I reckon Majid knows I love his work
Love the Thor Hammer.
I wonder how I would explain my way past airport security with that in my bag...!!
...and they have sold out at a whopping $699 each....!!
hmmmmmm....I reckon I can see a modelling challenge for the Steampunk experts in the main forum
Thanks Oli.
Maybe it's not so silly to spend another $200 on another Provari. I'd be hard pressed to justify spending that sort of money on a backup device, but then again, if my Provari decides to go toes up I'd buy another one's worth pondering...but maybe a cheap backup to get me over the line if it happens is the way to go in the meantime.
Vapeking in Australia are selling the Smoketech SID for $29.95 (half price)....might get one...!
Oli, just get some new batteries....I get between 24 and 36 hours out of a battery (vaping at 4.8V generally gives me 24 hours, whereas 4.2V will last about 36 hours....seems to be a bit less on weekends though because I vape a bit more often.
I have 4 batteries I can go away for several days without worrying about recharging.