RE: Finally gone back(i mean forward) to a PC!
give Oli a break.....he's given up smoking
.....and with the amount of money he's saved he deserves a treat....!!!
RE: Nobody tells this to beginners....
and the 'learning curve' has a beginning, but no end...!
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
Over the past few months a 'rattle' in my Provari has slowly worsened and sometimes it would only fire up if I held the unit at certain angles.
A few days ago it stopped working after I dropped it.
I have four 18650 batteries, two different manufacturers.
- I recharged them all...Provari didn't work
- I cleaned all the contact points....it still didn't work
I was beginning to think I had caused some serious damage after dropping it.
Then I noticed that the two different battery types were very slightly different heights.
What had happened is that the slightly larger battery had compressed the spring contact on the bottom extension cap.....this was the cause of the 'rattle' when the shorter of the batteries was used.
When I dropped the unit, it landed on it's base and the force of the impact had compressed the spring just that little bit more and therefore contact couldn't being made at each end of the battery regardless of which battery type I used.
It took me a whole day to realise what the problem was.....and was easily resolved when I pulled the spring up a tiny fraction.
It's working perfectly now, and as good as the day I first used it....!!
RE: What are the rules...
enrols for multiple sessions of 'Jeff's Charm Lessons"
RE: What are the rules...
Frederik, I think you should get Jeff Hammond to do the negotiating for you.
By now, you'd have got it for free and probably a free coffee to go with it...!!
RE: More Franco Albini's furniture
Massimo, you continue to embarrass us with your modelling and rendering skills
I hope you feel ashamed...!!
RE: Aidan Chopra and Scott Lininger launch Bitsbox
@roland joseph said:
In north Ontario we are pretty stern. We force our children to go outside.
yep, forcing the kids to go outside to do their coding is a great idea....!!
RE: [Plugin]$ Keyframe Animation
Thank you Rich and Ashcott.
I'm sure I read somewhere on their website that it supported animated Push/Pull....but I can't find it.
Maybe I imagined it.....I really must stop eating those weird mushrooms...!!
RE: SketchUp Plugins for Architecture
@massimo said:
I think that this thread deserves to be sticky.
Done.I think Kris deserves a beer....!!
Great work Kris
RE: [Plugin]$ Keyframe Animation
this is a fascinating addition for SketchUp.
I have the trial version at this stage and have been messing around with it with SU14.
However, can anyone tell me if it is possible to use PushPull in the animation, and if so how do I manage to execute it successfully ?
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
@kwistenbiebel said:
E-juices: all day vapes: GoodLife "Nana's Nuts" and GoodLife "Melon Boba".
Those Good Life flavours are brilliant....thank you for putting me on to them
My favourites from them are '925', 'El Kamino' and 'Deadly Sin'
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
I'm down to 9mg most of the time (I still have a few 18mg 'leftovers' from a few months ago and I occasionally vape those but it's more for the flavour than the nicotine)
in fact, I'm wondering how I would cope if I vaped nic free.....hmmmmm might need to give it a try and see how I feel after a few days...!!
SO....its been a little over a year since I bought my Provari, and March 10th since I gave up on the stinkies (except for 1 stinkie in the middle of the year which I don't count...!!)
this is one of the best things I have ever done for myself, so it is probably timely to thank Oli and everyone else in here once again
my lovely lady pointed out to me that I no longer snore like a freight train...now that's what I call an added bonus..!!
RE: [Plugin] PipeAlongPath
thanks again Tig
great work as always, and most genuinely appreciated
RE: Honeycomb lamp
@john2 said:
@rich o brien said:
So, can you post a tutorial that explains making of these amazing stuff for organic novices like me
Same goes for you oli. A step by step tutorial.
in 5 languages plus Esperanto please....that'll cover most bases..!!
RE: I need to get this off my chest
@box said:
Just what I needed, a scale figure with real authority!
....and he is a 'Face Me' character too....how bloody annoying is that..??!!
RE: New Housing Model - A year in design
Let me know if you need some contacts in Adelaide
RE: New Housing Model - A year in design
Well done mate. And congratulations in getting someone interested in helping get a display up and running.
We have a dumb planning rule in SA which pops up in every Council's Development Plan now....they require garages and carports to be set back behind the face of the building (generally it is 500mm and for some councils it is 1200mm)...!
Anyhow, it's nice to know someone is thinking about Granny...!
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
I am curious to find out how much everyone in here vapes each day.
Approximates will do as it is pretty hard to guage it exactly.
For me, I think I vape around 8 to 10 mls a day. It's probably closer to 8mls on average.
There are a few favourite flavours that I seem to vape very heavily though, Potion Vape's 'Melt Down' is one that seems to disappear in a few hours...!
RE: Egg-shaped burial pods!
I like the idea.
It would have even more meaning if you are buried at Easter....!!