Thanks-don't know what I was doing but it works now?
RE: Applying colour not able to do
Applying colour not able to do
From time to time I find myself not able to apply colour or textures, no matter if I triple click on component or just to closed component I can't apply colour- It must be a simple proceedure I am missing-any suggestions?
Earle -
RE: Copying and layers
Sounds good , if you ever come close to Prince Edward County in Ontario and I'll make the pie.
My son uses sketchup and is an architect -different work but combined with Autocad maybe groups have a purpose? I'll talk to him. Thanks for the time you must spend to keep idiots like me informed.
Earle -
RE: Copying and layers
Yes, I understand that-there must be a reason on maybe a high rise building or something? anyway you have been a real help-can I send you a homemade apple pie or something
RE: Copying and layers
Oh, ok so I have learned that too -so you don't use groups either-what is your reason?
RE: Copying and layers
Yes Dave and I think I used improper terms, I very seldom make a group as it puts everything back on layer 0 -that really messes me up. will look at the link you sent=thanks again for help.
RE: Copying and layers
No, I didn't make group I did the same thing that I did when it worked--but I found that one small piece was not made unique and I think this is what caused the problem.--work clean all the time eh? thanks
Earle -
RE: Copying and layers
Thanks guys,
Like alot of things in sketchup you fumble through till it works. Working in layers in a 3d environment is indeed picky. I did the same thing I did before, I selected each of the 4 components and copied/moved. Selected each component on the new set and made unique. then selected all and placed on 2nd. layer and it worked-don't know why this time but I must have missed something the other 8 times I did it. -
Copying and layers
I have a table top made with a few components. I want to have another design from original, I select all the components and group them then copy and drag away. I make the new copy unique and set it to a new layer. All is fine but if I hide the layers and try to show just the new layer it will not sho unless the other layer is visible also??
RE: Invitation to the SketchUcation collection
Ok Dave I finally got it-I think I'm loosing it-heyhe and thankyou very much,
I also found your video on animation great. -
RE: Invitation to the SketchUcation collection
This is indeed strange. When you applied texture to the opened component it applied the woodgrain to all the faces. When I tried the same thing it only applied to one face?
RE: Invitation to the SketchUcation collection
When I rt. click on a face I do not get the options that you get in your video
RE: Invitation to the SketchUcation collection
Thanks Dave
I will try as to your tutorial
Earle -
RE: Invitation to the SketchUcation collection
I am trying to figure out how to change the wood grain direction in a component? Any ideas?
RE: Contacting sellers
Thanks Dave, Guess I was working way too late and got a little frustrated:-)
I remembered how to do it after your prompting. -
RE: Contacting sellers
Why can't I find a place to contact ANYONE who runs this site?
How do I contact sellers of products?? -
Contacting sellers
How do I contact seller of 24 seamless NPR woodgrain? No instructions on how to use it?
RE: What's your beginners tip?
I have found that no matter how much I think I have learned in SU, I will always have more to learn. If SU is important in your work flow then decide to research here and everywhere to see what will help you work better. Decide to spend some "many" hours to practice - research- and create. It is mindblowing to see what people are doing with this and many kudos to those who are creating plugins that make our life "that much easier". I am inspired and amazed by these creative folks.- Thanks for your work Mates.-And Always Make Components