Copying and layers
If you did what you described in your original post, that is different from "Selected each component on the new set and made unique. then selected all and placed on 2nd." In your original post you said you made a "group" and assigned a different layer to it.
If you are finding layers tricky I think you would find the help files a worthwhile thing to read. Especially this.
No, I didn't make group I did the same thing that I did when it worked--but I found that one small piece was not made unique and I think this is what caused the problem.--work clean all the time eh? thanks
Earle -
Well, as long as you've got it working. I was just going by what you said in your first post, "I select all the components and group them..."
Yes Dave and I think I used improper terms, I very seldom make a group as it puts everything back on layer 0 -that really messes me up. will look at the link you sent=thanks again for help.
The group is associated with Layer 0 but the contents of the group don't get their layer association changed.
I never use groups anyway.
Oh, ok so I have learned that too -so you don't use groups either-what is your reason?
My not using groups has nothing to do with layers. I've just never in almost 9 years found a case in my work where a group was more desirable than a component.
Yes, I understand that-there must be a reason on maybe a high rise building or something? anyway you have been a real help-can I send you a homemade apple pie or something
Thanks, Earle. Home made apple pie sounds great but I bet it wouldn't travel very well. How about you hold on to it and serve it to me if I ever wind up in your neck of the woods and darken your door.
There's a long list of things about components that make them a whole lot more desirable at least from the point of view of drawing woodworking projects. Maybe for a building in a collection of buildings in a city layout although I'd still use components for them, too.
Sounds good , if you ever come close to Prince Edward County in Ontario and I'll make the pie.
My son uses sketchup and is an architect -different work but combined with Autocad maybe groups have a purpose? I'll talk to him. Thanks for the time you must spend to keep idiots like me informed.