I am not a Newbie, but am not a Premium member either, but I thought this might be a question that new members would ask. I am curious what the difference is between the Premium and Premium Plus membership. Thank you.

Premium vs Premium Plus
Non-Printing Layer
Can a layer or object be set to NOT PRINT in Layout? but still be seen in the file?
drew -
RE: OTB Idea #2 Construction lines in LayOut?
I agree with Anssi... it would be nice to turn on/off printing capabilities so that a layer can be visible but won't print. Such as revision notes.
RE: Dimensioning in Layout not measuring up...
I think that you all are on the right track. What I am actually working with is a building, placed on a Google Earth image accessed thru SketcUp. I placed the buiding on the location, rotated it to the proper orientation and modified the axes to be parralel and perpendicular to the building, also maintaining true North.
I created scenes of each of the buildings elevations by aligning the view, then changed the camera to parrellel projection. I updated and saved the scenes and sent them to Layout 3. Now this is where the dimensioning gets off and measures angles in 3D rather than orthographically.
So I'm thinking that it has something to do with the axes change. Any thoughts?
Dimensioning in Layout not measuring up...
I'm having major issues dimensioning in Layout. It's as though Layout won't measure orthographically. I can draw a right triangle in SketchUp that is 10' high; next to a pyramid that is the same height. While in Layout, the right triangle is dimensioned correctly at 10' but the height of the pyramid shows 12’-3”, which is the correct measurement of each leg of the pyramid. And before selecting the location of the dimension, the value remains the same 12’-3”, no matter how I move the cursor. I've tried new Layout templates, and templates that I know work correctly, with the same result.
This is very frustrating to say the least. It makes Layout useless, but I have to use it because it’s been used up to this point on previous projects.
Thanks in advance...
Piston Pivot Hinge?
I'm also a newbie to the Sketchyphysics, I've tried to figure this out but could use a little instruction. I would like to have a container, with an object inside of it, to be raised to a certain point and then pivot and discharge the object. I've tried all sorts of combinations of joints, but no luck. I also had a sphere in the container, but it wouldn't stay confined to the container.
I would appreciate any constructive assistance. I would also like to find a site that explains (in layman's terms) how to use, position and combine different joints. Thanks in advance.
RE: [Plugin] Camera Recorder v1.7.2 UPDATED May 23, 2013
Thank you for taking the time to explain the plug-in installation, i am lookin forward to trying Camera Recorder. Jan's version sounds cool... if you find the link, please post it. Thanks again...
RE: [Plugin] Camera Recorder v1.7.2 UPDATED May 23, 2013
I’ve been trying to download and install your Camera Recorder Plugin… firstly, how do I know that I have the latest version? Secondly, how do I download and install? I’m not sure whether to extract the whole zip file into the C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google SketchUp 8\Plugins directory or not… sorry, I’m just a little confused because it has a sub-directory within it.
Thanks for all your talent and your help. I can’t wait to try it out.