Thanks a lot TIG !
RE: [plugin] Divide By Material
Sorry, your right. Because im very bad in english i usualy say the less possible.
Windows 8.1
Sketchup 8 proinstall the plugin : just copy past the file "DivideByMaterial.rb" in C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google SketchUp 8\Plugins
RE: Model terrain from point level
It works great! Thank you very much to all three of you !
RE: Model terrain from point level
I tried with a selection of just a few point and same error, after explode and copy paste into another file, i have always the same error.
If you want you can download the file here: -
RE: Model terrain from point level
Thanks a lot for your help. Actually i have an error "some object are not construction point".
Model terrain from point level
Hello everyone,
I am looking for a way to model terrain from points level. I do know from contour lines, but not from points level.
Thank you for your help
RE: Scale problem after dwg import
You are perfectly right ! Thank you for your help, i owe you big time !
I didn't know that each component can have his own origin. I understand now wy "explode component" solve the problem.
RE: Scale problem after dwg import
I totally agree with you, I would have thought. Now the problem is that I have already worked a dozen hours about this file, and I prefer not having to reimport the file and start over.
The scale of the textures is not dramatic, I can manually multiply by 100 the scale of each texture. But what bothers me most is the display bug.
Scale problem after dwg import
I import a dwg file.
The imported model is 100 times too big, I've reduced by a factor of 100 with the scale tool.
Now i have two problem:-
Texture map the model with a factor of 100. It's weird, when I measure the height of a wall it is well 2m70. But that applies to texture correctly I must give a height of 270m ....
At the display I have a bug that when I zoom a little over an area the elements gradually disappear as I approach. It is a known bug that I already had with other models, but I can not remember how I do to solve it.
Thank you very much for your help,
RE: How replace material & remove material from edge ?
Your plugin is perfect, thanks a lot !
[Topic resolved]
How can i remove all material from all edge of the modele (edge only, not face) ?[Plugin]#p140672
(the plugin doesn't work for component but it's a good start). -
How can i replace a material by an another in all the modele ?
(the plugin work perfectly).
RE: How replace material & remove material from edge ?
Realy good idea, i never think to use the Wire-frame mode. But i have a lot of group and component (more than a thousand), and i want to cleanup the Edge material, because they prevent me to purge unused material.
How replace material & remove material from edge ?
Hi all,
- How can i remove all material from all edge of the modele (edge only, not face) ? Is there a plugin for that ?
- How can i replace a material by an another in all the modele ? Is there a plugin for that ? Right clic, select, select all face with same material doesn't work beacause there is a lot of group and component.
Thanks by advance for your help.