This is exactly what I wanted to do. I need to get familiar with your extrude tools.
This is exactly what I wanted to do. I need to get familiar with your extrude tools.
I have created the attached file with Artisan and now I need to make vertical slices every 1/8" from the front to the back (long way). I want to be able to lay the slices flat and export these to my laser cutter, glue them together, and then make a plug to make a mold. When I try to use the slicer plugin it won't work since this is not a volume. Is there another better way to do this?
Finally had some time to get into this and here is what I have come up with.
The tire is too small in width but I can change that.
Any comments and tips would be welcome.
This is exactly what I needed to see in order to understand a workflow to do this.
I have a question. How did you get the blue box to show up when you went to the FFD plugin and from what I can see on the screen you have more choices to pick from than I do to get the dots to show.
I don't see how you got them to show up. I have loaded the latest version of FFD I think.
Again thanks for the tutorial.
I am starting my first attempt with Artisan by creating a model of a wheelpant like in the attached photo.
I have been trying to follow the tutorial that Whatt did for the Tron front wheel but I am in over my head at the moment. Attached is the file showing how far I have gotten.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks Dave,
I was trying to do it without doing anything to the rib.
Thanks Dave,
I tried but I guess I just do not know how to use it correctly.
I am working on an airplane wing and I need to add a 1/8" thick by 1/4" wide cap strip completely around the rib. I can not seem to get follow me to do this. Will this tool do this or should I be using another plugin?
Thanks Dave,
I did find some photos of profiles on Rockler's website. I copied the photso and then traced them in SketchUp. Just wasn't sure I had the scales right.
Does anyone have any router profiles that they are willing to share?
Got it to work. Is there a rule of thumb of when you should scale things up?
I am having a hard time doing this. The part that I want to cut off is a group. Does it need to be exploded?
Does the cut face need to be part of this group? When I delete the scape lines the face of the cut goes away.
So much to learn!
I have attached a file where I have rounded an edge and I need to cut it off at an angle where the bottom piece is located. I sure there is an easy method to do this but I need someone to point me in the right direction.
I thought about that but I am laying this out for the laser cutter and I am using standard wood sizes for a lot of the parts. If I did it at full scale and then reduced it down to 35% the wood sizes will also change and I would not be using 1/4" and 1/8" wood for the parts.
I need a little help with this model. This is the stab from a Piper Pacer PA-20. I am working from factory drawings to make this. My model is scaled down 35% for the R/C model that I am working on.
The curved leading edge was made with a bezier curve and pulled up to 3/8". I need to round off the outside edges with a 3/16" radius and notch the back of the curve 1/8" to receive the ribs like on the trailing edge.
If anyone could show me how to do this on the attached file I would be grateful.
Thanks TIG.
Attached is a quick and dirty sample of what I think you were talking about.
I want to use something like slicer to locate bulkheads at exact locations along the fuselages of some aircraft designs that I am working on. I like the way it can take the slices and lay them out flat so that I can export them to my laser cutter.
Maybe there is a better way, I don't know.
Is it possible to have variable spacing of the slices.
Such as the first slice is at the face of the object, second slice at 3", next slice at 8" and so on.
Thanks Dave.
The Cub my 1/3 scale R/C competition plane that I fly at scale contests around the country.
I have this app for the Ipad and 3Dvia limits a file to 100,000 triangles.
How do you find out how many triangles your file has and how do you reduce them?