@dave r said:
I agree, it would be nice to be able to control line weights independently in the SU viewport although I'm not sure how it would be done without either setting some rules based on distances as you've suggested or something else. Most of the ways I can think of it going would take as much time or more than the ways I deal with it now.
FWIW, you don't have to explode the viewport to be able to adjust line weights. You could do what I outlined above and leave the scenes un-exploded. It's still probably a work around but once you do it a time or two, the process will be quite straightforward and it is workable. You have to be able to think through and set things up in SketchUp so you have different scenes for different line weights.
Maybe the ideal, pie-in-the-sky method would be to be able to select the vector lines in a viewport and modify their weight, style, color, etc. while maintaining the link to dynamic SketchUp.
I imagine something that would use the relative distances but when I try to think of the "rules" such a code would use, it seems impossible that a logic would get what is wanted. I imagine a house treated as a solid sculptural object in a view. Then if a line lay way in front of the next surface it would be heavier etc. This would probably take as long a most renderers if it were possible.
If there were a user applied modification. LO would have to "know" which lines are which for each update- and given that the problem is in changes to the design / model, that also seems unlikely to work.Might be some hope in layers, but for a complex model the layers or groups for objects are not necessarily translatable to 2d stacked LO layers for each view.