Here is the new design.
Modeling back of screen question
I'm modeling or attempting to, the new iMac. I'm having a bit of trouble with the back of the screen. Attached is an image of where i'm at and the red lines show how it needs to be flatter across where the stand arm connects. i'm just not sure how to do this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
RE: Primary Pouf - DWR
Gaieus is right!
It's DAZ 3d models, pretty simple software to use.
I don't bring them into sketchup, just use them in different rendering software.
There is a lot of tutorial stuff out there for DAZ, the models are just too high poly for sketchup. Also, the faces still look very stoic, so i avoid a direct view. -
RE: Primary Pouf - DWR
wow, it's great to see so much pouf positivity. better get these poufs, cause they are popular with the ladies...
RE: Primary Pouf - DWR
Attached is the zip file were it's one skippy per Pouf. -
Primary Pouf - DWR
This is the Primary Pouf - seating & side table rolled into one. Designed by Arne Quinze. I've made a skippy with one of each color option in there & I'll create a zip file with them separated individually.
Real Thing:
RE: A Pencil Style for ya...
I'm on a MacBook Pro and using Safari, when i click on the ".style" files it downloads a "" file then when i double-click on that it extracts a folder...
Is there a way to get this to work on Safari without it defauting to a "download.php" file i will have to rename, etc.?works fine on firefox though...
Thank you Ross, very slick style
RE: Links for Texture Sources
good resolution textures, most not tileable right out of the box.
RE: Garage door component
Here is another. You might want to check Google Warehouse. There are some Garage Doors in the Component packs that you could use as a base file.
carriagehousedoorV5.skp -
RE: 3ds Max finish for SU model
Holie Molie!!
Gaieus, that is top notch! What's this rendering for? Looks like something that could be used on the history channel, just add in some people.