The last one really cracked me up.
RE: Russian President Medvedev Shows Off Coin New World Currency
Its way too early to be making judgement about a global currency that is not even on the horizon. This is clearly a case of Russia posturing against perceived weakening of US hegemony. I feel it is way too early to give up the Dollar. It still has the most liquidity.
RE: [Plugin] Mirror UV Mapping (1.0.3)
Ok thanks very useful in certain situations.
RE: [Plugin] Mirror UV Mapping (1.0.3)
Tom sorry for my stupid question. What exactly does this plug in do? Apply texture to both sides?
RE: Stone texture
Thank you, how very kind. Did it take you long to make it? With a procedural software?
RE: Re: Some Funny Pics.
@jackson said:
That last image can't be real.... can it?
Somebody is either an amazing photoshopper or an amazing (ly dangerous) truck loader.
It looks real to me. +1 for being on the desert too .
RE: Inspiring Talk on Fab-Lab
I didn't realise how wide spead this project is and certain its potential impact. This gets me very excited mass proliferation of technology that is personal and useful on a local scale. -
[Request] Pipe Alone Path on None connected path
I've often come across situations where none connecting lines needed a thicknes. In most cases so they will show up in a render. Is a anyway this can be done? I guess I would more like 'lines into pipes' than Pipe alone path.
RE: [Plugin] Exploded Arc Centerpoint Finder UPDATE May 23, 2013
Hi Chris I just want to say thank you for making such wonderfully useful tools for the SU community. I was thinking maybe I will start to learn Ruby one of these days. For someone who have had no experience with any programing language where would you recommend that I start?
RE: How to make a leather material in vray for sketchup
Judging by Solo's work I'd say he is an anal perfectionist, and that is a compliment that unfortunatly extend to the placement of his toolbars. I don't blame him. When I first saw it, I wanted to scratch my eyeballs out. That is before I saw the tutorial. Good job!