ma réponse arrive un peu tard,
effectivement il y a des problèmes de calques, je te suggère de regarder les 2 tutos présentés dans le sujet ci-dessous, ils pourront te guider sur l'utilisation des calques (balises à partir de 2020)
RE: J'ai des murs creux ça craint !
RE: SKETCHUP - CALQUES - BALISES ? Comment les créer, gérer et c
J'ai ajouté les chapitres dans le 2ème tuto, cela vous permet d'accéder directement aux parties que vous voulez voir ou revoir.
RE: Dessiner des emboitures avec rainures ou languettes
J'ai ajouté les chapitres dans le tuto, cela vous permet d'accéder directement aux parties que vous voulez voir ou revoir.
RE: Imprimer un dessin, un plan Ă l'Ă©chelle ou non
J'ai ajouté les chapitres dans le tuto, cela vous permet d'accéder directement aux parties que vous voulez voir ou revoir.
RE: Imprimer Ă l'echelle
J'ai ajouté les chapitres dans le tuto, cela vous permet d'accéder directement aux parties que vous voulez voir ou revoir.
RE: Print the screen view, a map at scale 1, enlargement, reduce
I added the chapters in the tutorial, this allows you to directly access the parts you want to see or review.
RE: Layers - tags - THE METHOD to avoid tag or layer errors
I added the chapters in the tutorial, this allows you to directly access the parts you want to see or review.
RE: Draw sockets with grooves or tongues for doors, tables ...
I added the chapters in the tutorial, this allows you to directly access the parts you want to see or review.
RE: SKETCHUP - CALQUES - BALISES ? Comment les créer, gérer et c
Je viens d'ajouter un tuto qui explique LA METHODE préconisée par sketchup pour utiliser au mieux les balises (ou calques), cela évitera les erreurs de balises. Ce tuto est complémentaire de celui juste au dessus, je vous conseille de visionner les 2 pour tout connaître sur les balises et calques.
Layers - tags - THE METHOD to avoid tag or layer errors
Display the subtitles to watch the tutorialI explain how to best use the tags (layers) while avoiding errors. No more entities that are not in the correct tag (layer).
I do not explain everything here. If you want to know everything about tags: create them, change tag entities (drawing, groups ...), tag colors ... see the additional options from version 2020 then I invite you to view the tutorial below.
WARNING: when you break up a group, the entities of this group will remain in the group tag and not in Without Tag (or Layer 0) as we are asked to do !!!
Display the subtitles to watch the tutorial
RE: Problem parameters printing
Thanks for your advice,
HP support made me reinstall the printer, I installed the latest drivers, I updated the printer firmware, it didn't change anything. They say it's from sketchup, there's nothing they can do.
The problem is the same on MAKE 2017 and on 2021 PRO. I don't know what to do anymore, we have a new printer that is useless! -
RE: Problem parameters printing
Does anyone have a solution to my problem? Thanks
RE: How to make an object solid
The object is framed in blue because it is a group or a component. Pushing pulling doesn't work. With the select tool, you have to double click to open the group, there you can push and select the faces.
To use the solid tool, you only need groups, otherwise it won't work. -
RE: How to set dimensions via text
This is a great tip. Thank you. You have to type in the units and not just the length, I understand. It works perfectly.
RE: How to set dimensions via text
@box said:
Many people don't know that you can use the scale tool to set specific dimensions simply by adding the unit on the end. It works in 3 dimensions and in any, even mixed, units.
It only works if the starting value is 1, right?
TUTO SKETCHUP dessiner des tasses + un liquide qui rebondit
A travers ce tuto pour dessiner des tasses, nous allons aborder différents outils et techniques. L'outil suivez-moi pour réaliser des révolutions, pour dessiner la tasse et son liquide, et suivre des trajectoires pour dessiner les anses. Comment redimensionner et modifier certaines parties des tasses. Comment adoucir les arêtes et appliquer des textures.
Draw cups with liquid
.You must display the subtitles to watch the tutorial in English or Spanish.
Through this tutorial on drawing cups, we will discuss different tools and techniques. The follow me tool to make revolutions, to draw the cup and its liquid, and to follow trajectories to draw the handles. How to resize and modify some parts of the cups. How to smooth edges and apply textures
RE: Set display dimensions to inches and decimal inches.
You must display the subtitles to watch the tutorial in English or Spanish.
This tutorial, a little old but still valid, explains how to give dimensions with the push pull tool and also how to resize lengths. -
RE: How to set dimensions via text
You must display the subtitles to watch the tutorial in English or Spanish.
This tutorial, a little old but still valid, explains how to give dimensions with the push pull tool and also how to resize lengths. -
RE: Problem parameters printing
No, this does not fill in the fields. It doesn't change.