All over the place was in reference to starting to debate the debt issue and then wandering through teabagging, taxes, a truck story and now public schools. I was trying to pin down exactly what you and Solo were originally debating but I think that is moot now.
So if by the truck story analogy you mean we can't just expect to print more money to get out of this - then I agree. And the out of control spending is the issue. The undertone I get is that you pay your taxes and don't like pulling your own weight when the "freeloaders" skate - I couldn't agree more. While the schools are a whole other issue - I understand your sentiment and agree that the problem starts at home. I paid to send 4 of my kids to parochial school through 6th grade for the discipline and the education. 2 of them continued through high school. It was really tough finacially for many years and we went without a lot of the things I saw other people have like new cars every 2 years, etc. - but it was the best money I have spent to date!
All of the options right now scare me. As a "cured" republican - I bought into that message of hope only to see the messenger lose his convictions the mimnute his party started calling in their marker for helping to put him in office. I think it will be interesting to see how the next 15 months work out. We have seen the effects of the promise of "change" over the last two elections (2008 / 2010) and how is that working out for us?
The reality is we needed to achieve 4 Trillion in cuts, and there were plenty of opportunities to get there. Neither side could stomach the compromise needed to get there!
So - for me it is a full circle back to the original topic of RANT - both sides (Republican & Democrat) piss me off!