@bustedclock said:

Actually, I've only tried zoom extents a couple of times, but it seemed to distort what I was looking at. I guess, or I think (not sure which!), that it zoomed the whole component to fill the screen.

That's what Zoom Extents is supposed to do. The one from the Context menu zooms in on the selection so if you have a face or an edge selected when you choose it, the view will zoom in to it.

As to the distortion yousee or think you see, perhaps you would find it easier if you reduce the camera's field of view. Select the Zoom tool from the toolbar or Camera menu and type a new value in the VCB. If you wish, you can use focal length instead of degrees by typing mm after the number.

@bustedclock said:

A way to one-click (context menu?) change camera to the opposite end of the component. Not like flip along axis because I want the whole model to flip even though I'm working on a single component. Also, not the camera-view menu/buttons, because I don't necessarily remember which side of the model I'm working on. Heat of the moment, and all that.

You don't really want to flip the model do you? It sounds more like you want to Orbit the camera 180° from its current location. Would that be correct? Well, 180° might not be the right amount. Maybe it is 90° or 110° along the length of the component. How do you determine what the angle should be?

It sounds to me like with practice in using the existing navigation tools, you'll find you can do quite well with them. Use the center mouse button/wheel and combine it with Shift for Pan and I think you'll find you get along just fine.