Works, except two Icons.
Maybe dumb, but have you checked the preference>extension>custom toolbars
(I meant the last two, just saw one of my own is also in there. - name conflict )

RE: Jim's Toolbar example "Option" Not working in 2013
RE: Jim's Toolbar example "Option" Not working in 2013
I will try this out and report
RE: Jim's Toolbar example "Option" Not working in 2013
It worked for me. I have set a bunch of scripts into the Toolbar but I have also toggle hidden and hide rest. Some of the Icons are not show up - just a smily button - but the function is Ok. Your scripts are all the native scripts from Jim?
RE: Sketchup 2013 issues
Thanks Box. I was sure to set the permission to all my folders. But the workaround is welcome. Thanks to both
RE: Sketchup 2013 issues
RAL colo(u)rs are not working. They do not show up in the Material Browser, although they are at the same place in both Versions.
attached is the .skm
RE: [Problem] Extrude Tools
For sure, it works perfect. What is the reason behind, that all of my tries are ended up in triangles and not with coplanar edges?
That's the mysterie for me!
Does this happens when the rails are have no Symmetrie? -
RE: [Problem] Extrude Tools
Maybe it is dumb, but how can I act these? All shapes are triangled without any coplanar faces. One shape is build, same way I found in the Video.
@Charly I do and get the same steps, except the coplanar edge part.
[Problem] Extrude Tools
Can someone point me in the right direction?
Using Edges to Rails by Lattice makes me a bit confuse. In the Video it shows a prompt box for erasing coplanar edges. This does not happen to me. So I always ended up with triangles.
RE: Extension warehouse issues
Another issue. Due to the new pricing system I miss the yearly fee to our developers, which allows Trimble to set up the extension site with foreign Plugins. Without these Sketchup is a bit useless in commercial work.
Maybe 50% of the upgrade price should be enoughThe new Extensin site is a good idea, but is basicly done by others and just a collection, rather than a new upgrade achievement.
Manifold Solid
I try to use TIG's Slicer5.
The Group must be a Manifold Solid. Can someone simple explain what it is? -
RE: Erstellen von Linien Matrixen auf jeder Art von Flächen
Übrigens Rotate und copy geht auch mit einer einzelnen Linie.
TIG hat ein Plugin Split Donut oder eines von Dreien was ebenso die Verbindungen herstellt. Schau mal unter Split bei TIG nach.
Hilfreich in deinem Beispiel ist es auch die Segmentanzahl gleich so zu wählen, das es mit deiner Aufteilung übereinstimmt. Augenscheinlich hast du weniger Kreissegmente als Zinnen.
Mach es wenigstens teilbar z.B. 24 Segmente bei 48 Zinnen. Dann bleibst du immer in der Geometrie. -
RE: Ursprungsko. bzw. Winkel
Dreh dein Modell komplett mit dem Rotationswerkzeug wieder in den richtigen Winkel.
Eine Linie oder Rechteck kann dir helfen. Lass es dort entlang der Geraden einschnappen. -
RE: Renderer für Pc Spiele(2D) Klassiker
Dürfte jeder Renderer machen. Um den Effekt zu erzielen, brauchst du Texturen,die du selber erstellen musst. D.h. kein Renderer hat solche Art der Texturen, da Photoralismus dargestellt wird. Texturen kannst du in Photoshop oder Gimp genauso erstellen wie z.B. in Texturemaker:
Evtl. helfen auch Texturen wie Noctua, die mit Alterungseffekten geliefert werden.
Auch wirst du nicht um eine Nachbearbeitung herum kommen, wie sie Bildbearbeitungsprogramme haben, mit Filtern, Rauschen, Unschärfe, Bildbelichtung... in den Griff zu bekommen. -
RE: Gekrümmte Flächen teilen/Flächen selber Sorte aufeinander
Tools on surface ist ein Plugin, mit dem du Linien auch auf gekrümmte Flächen zeichnen kannst. bitte, dass du das LIB Fredo Plugin ebenfalls installieren musst. Der Link steht auch auf der Seite
RE: Looking for a face tool
Yep, great to use random push pull. Gives me also a wider range of possibilities than the solution now.
RE: Load Toolbars
Found a workaround. It needs to be refresh, so I build in a refresh Button with:
User::ToolbarSet.refresh() (Thanks to Dan )
So, if a Toolbar is not loaded, it works after refresh the hash -
RE: Load Toolbars
This works too (Thea For SketchUp), just Shaderlight and Thea Exporter failed.
def theaskp_show
User::ToolbarSet["Thea For SketchUp"].show()
end #def
@cmd ="Thearender") { theaskp_show }
@cmd.small_icon = "../images/ths.png"
@cmd.large_icon = "../images/ths.png"
@cmd.tooltip = "Thea Render for Sketchup"