"Sleeping area module-1, main roof skylight group-28" is a group with nested conponents. I have made an indentical copy of module-1 and wish to change the group definition from module-1 to module-2. I am trying to create two individual groups; so that I can make changes to one group without effecting the other group. I changed the definition name in the entity info window to -2. But both groups are still listed as -1 groups in the outliner window. The reason that I am after is, " why can't I change the definition name from module-1 to module-2, even though they are identical groups? Bob
RE: Outliner and conponents question, part 2
Outliner and conponents question, part 2
In a model I created "Sleeping Module-1". I made an indentical copy of sleeping module-1 and named it "Sleeping Module-2". In the outliner, the entity info definition name is listed as "<Sleeping module-1, roof panel group-28> for both modules. It will not allow me, using entity info, to change the name of one of the modules to sleeping module-2. The modules are listed as groups, with the items listed under the groups as conponents. What am I missing? Thanks for your help, Bob
Sorry guys, I made a copy of Unit-1 and did not inter a group title for what had become Unit-2. Fire is out, thanks, Bob
I have a single model file. The Outliner and Conponent Browser for this file is listing every entry twice, such as:
<group number3-1>
<group number3-1>
<group number6-1>
<group number6-1>, this goes on for about 12 different groups, with the same data in each group listing.The Conponent Browser shows each conponent twice. But this time they are listed in 2 different windows; one stacked above the other.I have never seen this condition before. I would like to post screen shots, but I do not know how to create screen shots.
Your help please, thank you, Bob
Outliner and conponents question
I have a series of roof conponents listed under a group heading in Outliner. I can select a roof conponent on the sketchup model and it is hi-lited on the Outliner list. However, all of the roof conponents are shown as a grouped layout in the conponent dialog box. The individual roof conponents are not shown or listed in the conponent dialog box or should I say, "no longer listed in the dialog box". I did create then and they were listed at one time.
I noticed this problem when I tried to use "select and replace" to change one of the roof conponents. Is there soom way that I can replace the missing conponents in the dialog box or another way of doing "select and replace"?
Your help please, Bob
RE: Kitchen with a big island.
I like the overall rendering. My only comment, is the red/orange flower pot to thr right.My eyes keep being drawen to it because of the color. I suggest changing the color.
RE: Office Building
The building and the landscape in front of the building are quite good.
Very nice stlye, I like it. Some sugestions that I feel will improve the overall scene:- The clouds are to bright, I night remove then. They draw the eyes way from the subject or point of interest , the building. The other sugestions list below should be removed for the same reason, distracting.
- Remove the car in the foreground.
- Remove the two women in the foreground (on the right and left) and
the other people in the street, distracting. - Remove the girl in the t-shirt and shorts, distracting
- Remove the gray car and tone down the white strip in front of that
car, distracting. - Reduce the amount of foreground and sky by half to help direct your eye to the "subject or point of interest" which is the building.
If the building to thr right in the scene is part of the subject building; creating another image in a landscape format including that part of the building night prove interesting.
leave the remaining people on the sidewalk to provide a reference scale for the building.
Hope this helps, Bob
How to bevel the edge of knob
Would someone please explane how to place an .12x.12 bevel
around the top outside edge of this knob. Tried scaling the
knob 10 times and using follow me, with no results.
TIA, Bob
RE: Farnsworth House
As for realism, I don't see much room for improvement. Well done.
I don't understand the reasoning for the warped decking and the
water pooling on the decking. Is it to add realism to the rendering?
Why is that what appears to be the same images as shown here, called
photos on your facebook page?It is really nice work, Bob
RE: The End of the World?!
"The end of the world, is not just near, it happened yesterday" Bob
RE: High Meadon
I love they way the upper class live in the UK. They even have "his" and "hers" entry steps.
RE: Newbie needs to draw house plans and elevations for planning
Many of the plan requirements might be handeled with general notes placed on the plans. Like Note:Existing site drainage to be unaddected by proposed existing garage remodel. For this and any other like projects; you might contact an local builder or architect and ask for an old plan set for use as a guide. Bob
RE: Component names in outliner?
Is it more important to know the answer or to understand the question. Interesting, with all the replys to this post, that I never received an answer to my original question. I think, that I did not get an answer because I did not
state the question in a way that could be understood. One of the other forums that I access has a sticky post that explains how to post a question, so as to get a usable answer to the question. May be that kind of information should be posted on this forum. My posted question is not the only one gone unanswered or with an unuseable answer. The result, are replys that seem to answer the question or comments about the subject to which it may relate. I my case, information on the proper use or procedures regarding components and outliner to the point of the "over thinking" when I got carryed away replying to comments from those who replyed to my post. By the way, I did find the answer to my question in the process of responding to your comments. Thank you again, Bob -
RE: Component names in outliner?
Dave, My confusion, from your discription of the use of outliner, we are both on the same page; thanks for all of your replys.
In the Create Component box there is place to enter <name> and <description>. In the Outliner, select an instances name for the listing, and then the Entity Info box; there is a place to enter <name> and <definition>. select an group name from the listing and then select the entity box; there is a place to enter <name> and <definition>. In the Component box the <name> and the <description> of the component are displayed. Confusion: Is the use of <description> and <definition> interchangable? If they are in the case, that way not use the same name for both? Entering an name in the instances enitiy info box causes a second definition to be desplayed for any instanse in Outliner, such as
<wall-1><wall-1>, so why is there a place to enter a <name>? One the things that added to my learning courve, is that entity info boxes were not mentioned when learning how to work with components and outliner. -
RE: Component names in outliner?
In the model, a circular array, there is one component and 23 instances of the component. When I created the original component I entered a name in the component box, no discription or nothing else. I also grouped the model and named it. In outliner are the name of the group and a listing of 24 components. Remember, I only entered the component name one time; that was in the component box. The listing of the 24 components in outliner, be they be instance names or definitions I do not know. But, all of the listings in the outliner are there because they were entered or placed there automatically by an sketchup program procedure. It seems, to me anyway, that I have no control over what is originally placed in outliner. So, when it is stated that there is no need to list all of the instances in outliner; why and how do you keep outliner for listing the instances? Also, I find that being able to select an instance in outliner and have it highlighted on the screem valuable, as it relates to my work flow. I think, that procedures or steps need to be followed, in order for sketchup to work as designed. How do different procedures work for different clients and how do you keep instances from being listed in outliner, delete then? Does it come down to the point, that the procedures we are using are "not right or wrong, but the are just different"? Bob
RE: Component names in outliner?
One use of standard procedures of any kind, including components and outliner; would be when a model was to be worked on by others or when placed in Goggle Warehouse. Including model clean-up procdures. It is when, I for one, get into "gray areas" with procedures that cause post like this to be created.
RE: Component names in outliner?
The component line listed in the outliner reads as follows:
<LIVING AREA MAIN ROOF PANEL-2><LIVING AREA MAIN ROOF PANEL-2>Right click the component and the entity box is as follows:
definition: LIVING AREA MAIN ROOF PANEL-2Delete the name info in the entity box and the component line in the outliner
reads as follows: <LIVING AREA MAIN ROOF PANEL-2>, no double listing on the same line and all is right with the world, maybe.Delete the definition info in the entity box and the component line in the outliner adds back the double listing on the same line. Also, the definition
is added back in the entity box automatically.This is the problem, for which I am trying to find a solution. Bob
Component names in outliner?
The component is named correctly in Outliner list. The problem is that it is named twice (repeated) on the same line, with the < > marks also repeated correctly. How do I correct this and how do I keep it from happening again?
I would like all of you to know, that I do not just jump on this forum looking
for your help. I spend alot of time in my manuals and on line before asking for your help. But when the enjoyment starts going out of using Sketchup, I wind up
here. Again, thank You for your help, Bob -
Replacing components in a model?
There are three frame components in the model, Frame-1,-2 and -3. The frame components were modeled in seperate files and imported into the model. 24 instances of Frame-1 are modeled into an circular array, shaped like a parasol. Some of Frames-1 are to be replaced with Frame-2 and -3. I was able to replace a Frame-1 with a Frame-2, but the component axes of Frame-2
does not align with the component axes of Frame-1. I hope someone on the forum
has solved the problem and will share it with me. Thank you for your help, Bob -
RE: Layers, groups and components..oh no?
I downlaoded the Apply to plugin and install the file in SU 7 plugin folder and started Sketchup 7. The plugin does not appear in the plugin menu. Also checked view toolbars and tool menu. Your help please, Bob