Brilliant! Thanks man!
Followme tool help Fredo courbette
Hi, I'm new to drawing with Fredo app and cures/splines in general. Can someone give me some insight as to why I can't get a proper followme along the entire path? Thanks!
RE: Fredo6 BezierSpline_v2.1a Having Trouble
I uninstalled the extension then reinstalled it before. I will try what you suggested. Thanks
RE: Fredo6 BezierSpline_v2.1a Having Trouble
Sorry Fredo6 for late response. Not getting reply notifications... It happens i.e. after 1st click, everything disappears.
on all except for classic bezier, polyline, catmull, courbette, cubic bezier, F-spline.
RE: Fredo6 BezierSpline_v2.1a Having Trouble
Thanks Fredo6. Nothing shows in Ruby Console. I tried drawing a Polyline with Arc Corners and it dissapears after selecting point #1. I click for point 2 & 3 (eventhough I can't see and choose to end and close tool) Then there is nothing on my screen?? And Ruby Console is blank
Fredo6 BezierSpline_v2.1a Having Trouble
Hello, I installed this and having some issues. I have SKP 2018 Pro. Maybe I am not using properly as I am not advanced user and Bezier spline novice.
When I choose Polyline with Arc Corners and start to draw. Two things... 1st is that no menu window for offset pops up. 2nd is that when I start to draw, it disappears when trying to set points. So I can't see the polyline that I am trying to draw? Advice appreciated!
RE: Exporting into LO from SKP for Patent Drawing Hatch etc
Thanks Dave. Sounds like a bear either way. I saw where someone took their model into Adobe Illustrator to do the hatching. That sounds like an easier method...
Exporting into LO from SKP for Patent Drawing Hatch etc
Hello, I have Sketchup pro 2018 and have drawn a 3d model that I would like to import/insert into Layout for purpose of Design Patent rawings. I understand Layout has greater ability for shading/hatching. I am trying to import a 2d image with no background (just the model outlines) so I can just select parts of my model for pattern fill etc.
Any help appreciated!