daniel, thanks for that, funnily enuf I'd just finished drawing one of these, in aussieland its a 1000litre bulk liquid container, anyway, made it into a component but every time I tried to load it into a drawing it crashed su. Sent a bugslat report and decided to let the gremlins win that one and deleted it throughly from my system and started again. The first one took me 35 minutes to draw. The second one (which of course came out better) took all of 10.
Damn Im getting good at this:).
It's attached, no detail, quick and nasty, but ok for this job.
Ps: had a site meeting yesterday, after a 45min safety induction.(I now know which way to run:) The engineering mob down there hadn't seen Su capabilities, tho they of course were au fait with cad and 3d and they'd heard of su, "oh yeah, that free program". (Thanks google! Would that be the free program thet I shelled out over 700 bucks for?) Btw, I got the job after one of the engineers d/loaded the free and realised it aint just software that gets the job done.
But they were v. impressed with the presentation aspects. Ie: after the serious design work is done,and it is very serious and inflammable, they still have to explain it to the men in suits and overalls who generally could'nt read a cad if it was inserted fundamentally. Su is perfect for walking the various stakeholders around the actual. su rocks!bulk.jpg