, thanks Dan...
Have you tried downloading the "HookProc.zip", which is on my first post of this topic?
If you're willing to, can you please download it to plugins and test it if it works or not?
Here is the reference:
KeyboardProc - The stated script should write an active keyboard message to logLine or text and remove the message from being sent to current thread. Ex: Lets assume virtual keyboard message "p" is shortcut to pushpull. If you click key "p" while the KeyboardProc is not active, the shortcut should call the pushpull tool. If you click key "p" while the KeyboardProc is active then the pudspull tool won't be called. Keyboard messages will not be removed from other windows. It will just remove them from the stated window, which in this case would be the sketchup window.
MouseProc - Should moniter/display mouse messages sent to the thread. Default script will not remove the messages. Ex: message 512 - mouse move, 522, mouse wheel rotate, 513 / 514 - mouse button clicks.
LowLevelKeyboardProc - Should moniter/display and remove keyboard messages from the module handle. Ex: Lets say I have two windows: Sketchup and notepad++. In Sketchup window I activate LowLevelMouseProc, move to notepad++, and begin to type. Trying to type I don't get anything. It's because LowLevelKeyboard Hook Procedure prevents most the keyboard messages from to be sent to the module handle. Well, the once that it can't remove are some keyboard combination shortcuts, like "ctrl-alt-delete", "alt-lshift-PtrScn" and more.
LowLevelMouseProc - Same as lowLevelKeyboardProc, but this time should display mouse messages sent to the module handle. Well you can state it to remove messages by changing "0" return value to "3", but by doing that your comp will act like the mouse is disconnected from the computer. If you'd want to remove only some mouse messages from module handle, then just write a block like "If wParam==512 then 0 else 3 end".
All of the hooks above can be toggle by being set or unhooked.
RemoveAll - Unhooks all hooks above.
ClearTextQueue - Not really important in that role. Just clears the text queue that is displayed. LogLine remove's lines from text queue automatically, though just added for fun.
Think this is all