SketchUp is (also) a very nice tool for taking a 2D concept and bringing it into the third dimension! In this case I speed painted a weapon concept in Gimp (last two images of the post) and I brought it as an image into SketchUp, tracing and extruding and so on. The final model is still quite low poly and could receive more work here and there, I just need to find a minute to keep working on it
I didn't render the model, since I doubt Kerkythea would add any interesting spot to such a low poly model; the first image of the post is just a bunch of different SketchUp screenshots mixed in Gimp.
Here are 2 speed paintings for the concept:
I hope you like it and that I'll sooner or later update this model and make it a bit more interesting! Have a nice time and keep making this forum as great as it is
the 2 original posts about this project can be found on my blog, if you are interested : and