Lol, Thanks a lot
RE: Is it still unresolved? "Requires SP 3.2" Issue
RE: Is it still unresolved? "Requires SP 3.2" Issue
No, No, No, No, keep this module on the forum!
Sure that's a pity it's no more maintained as expected.
But it seems that things could change so wait and see.I also complained to not find all needed informations and I spent many hours trying to understand the trick but it's not impossible.
As example about joints, movements, keybord and xbox paddle control, you can have a look at a mobile crane I realised few years ago.
Please notice that I only sketchyphisified this mobile crane made by Smike
So I had to reorganise all groups to create sketchyphysified entities.
Actually, I think that the most important things to do in Sketchy is to understand and fix the crash everytime we leave Sketchup AND, trying to improve performance because that sure Sketchy needs a powerfull computer to work.
I hope it will help you to understand some things not always obvious in Sketchy.
RE: [Plugin] IGES Export - 27 February 2012
Hello Howaito,
Are you sure that you don't get a STEP file in your directory because if you export a very simple part, the process can be very fast and you should see nothing in the status bar.
RE: [Plugin] IGES Export - 27 February 2012
Hi Rainer,
Thanks for your answer.
First, the fact that the faces are facetted is really not a problem.The problem I talked about, and I illustrate again by the next example, is not a problem of interpretation of existing geometry but creation of new geometry.
Or maybe, I don't know if it's possible, that your plugin may find in the skp file, a trace of an erased geometry.
It's more visible on the image below.It's problem a bit annoying whereas your plugin is very close to be perfect.
Solid tools don't solve these kind of problem.
Alain -
RE: [Plugin] IGES Export - 27 February 2012
According to all I read on the web, exporting skp to IGES was allmost impossible by just clicking a button!
Anyway, I tried it.
My first surprise was not so good as your plugin told that my model contains non solid entities which couldn't be exported. Well, as my model doesn't contain any solid at all, I expected getting a blank file!
But your plugin continued and ask me for a file name !?! Why? As it didn't find anything to convert??
Ok, let's go and...., and...., and........,
Surprise, my model is perfectly converted !!!????!!!! 15Mb instead of 1.3 Mb in skp!
Well quite perfectly as it just generated one more edge, in the espace, not connected to the model. -
Mapping extruded text on curved surface
Is there a way or a plugin to map an extruded text on a complex surface.
I mean I don't want to map a texture but to map a 3D text as shown below.Regards,
Alain -
RE: Joint Push Pull Classic (Old version) - v2.2a - 26 Apr 17
Hi Scott,
Some of us, and me, experienced such kind of problems but it was due to a "small" scale which causes the plugin to not be able to correctly compute the extruded faces.
We don't know how big your model is and its size and its edges size but your experience is interesting and could give us something else to think about in case of problems.
Alain -
RE: How to do good UV-Mapping? Possible with Sketchup?
Would it be possible to map a earth texture on a sphere.
I tried it with UVmapping wihtout success but I'm not sure I correctly used it. -
RE: Color lines drawing
I've installed ColorEdge which is quite cool despite some little problems I think and I'm going to look at plugins for faces mapping only.
Thanks everybody. -
RE: [Plugin] ChrisP_ColorEdge
Very usefull, thanks for this plugin.
It seems there is a problem when we don't select any edge. It asks if we want to apply the color to all entities but it that case, I got nothing !?!
It would be nice if it would keep the last selected color instead of having to choose it in the list.Regards,
Alain -
RE: Color lines drawing
Hmmm yes, it seems some groups/components have been painted globaly, some have been painted face by face so, I sometimes have black adegs, sometimes no.
Also, after having selected to draw edges by material, we have to take care to always select default material to drw something!
Well, I'm going to look at ChrisP' plugin, I think it would be a good help.
Thanks a lot. -
RE: Color lines drawing
I don't understand.
According to the method explained by Gaieus, Window > Styles > select "In model" > Select the style you are using (normally just one style there) > Edit tab > Edge settings, seems to concern all edges in the model, not the one I want to change specifically so, if you look at the images posted first vs the last one, edges of wood panels haven't been changed by myself but because I changed the style telling to color edges with material. -
RE: Color lines drawing
Ok thanks, that's an idea but as far as I understand, it should be done by style so available for the whole model. It means that all edges will now be displayed by their material color.
So, acording to the image below, I effectively win visibility for my circuit paths, I lost it for other gemometry. Is it true?
Regards, -
Color lines drawing
Is there a way or a plugin to draw color lines?
I explain: As you can see on the joined image, I just use lines to draw electrical circuit paths. I use the same for water circuitry.
Even if I draw each circuit type in specific layers (power plugs, RJ45, TV, lights), it could be clearer to draw it with different colors.
Any idea?
RE: Joint Push Pull Classic (Old version) - v2.2a - 26 Apr 17
Hi wtrouser,
I don't know if that could be caused by SU7, but on SU8, if we take care to be in requested conditions as TIG explained, it seems to work fine. Annyway, if we make the same job on the same model several times, we can see that we cannot trust the progress bar. Sometimes it freezes at different percentages. but as the process seems to ends correctly, that's not a problem.
So, unfortunately, you may have to wait to upgrade to SU8 to get it working correctly. .Regards,
Alain -
RE: Joint Push Pull Classic (Old version) - v2.2a - 26 Apr 17
You are right, I didn't tried to scale it up by 100. It was the trick.
I got it in les than 2 mns. -
RE: Joint Push Pull Classic (Old version) - v2.2a - 26 Apr 17
Perhaps. It's a pity anyway. 'J' tool could be a very powerfull feature!!!
RE: Joint Push Pull Classic (Old version) - v2.2a - 26 Apr 17
Hi wtrouser,
I tried to thicken your model on SU 8 Pro M2 and the last plugin and I got the same result as you.
Even scaling it up by 10, all push-pull tools end in an infinite loop....