Does any one have a collection or a link to a collection of all the 2D people that have been in each version of Sketchup?
2D People by Sketchup
RE: Section plane is not hiding objects
AND... the "View > Component Edit > Hide Rest of Model... " works only when I select the group for editing.
RE: Section plane is not hiding objects
I am not sure what you mean by a tangle. I have only one section plane nested in a group. Two of the three are active. Are you seeing something I am not?
Section plane is not hiding objects
I have a small section of my model that I want to isolate. I placed the first section plane and grouped it. Immediately after grouping, the objects in blue popped up behind the section, which I did not want. Then i added the second section plane, but it did not improve the problem (no surprise). What is happening?
Can a Scene control a Dynamic Component?
Can a Scene control a Dynamic Component? For example a DC of a door would be open or closed based on which Scene is active. In my plan view, I want doors open with door swings shown on the floor. In another scene I may want the door closed and the swing arch hidden.
RE: Font variation limitations with 2D text not working
TTF have the same problem in displaying variations on my MAC SU 2015.
No there is not an equivalent in TTF as they are being phased out. -
RE: Font variation limitations with 2D text not working
Open Type. They work perfect in Layout.
Font variation limitations with 2D text not working
I just downloaded a new font that I purchased. But this problem exists for other fonts too. SU may or may not recognize variations in a font like thin, book, medium, bold, italics, light, titling etc. Or it cannot display a difference between Book, Roman, Medium and Light as in Avenir font. But it will show about 3-4 variations like with Ariel (Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic). My other apps do not have a problem with this. Is there a fix for this? I would like to use my fonts in SU.
The new font that I purchased has 13 variations available but SU will only display 2, even though I can select all 13.
RE: Keyboard Shortcuts on Mac Changed after Crash
I also posted this same question on the Sketchup Forum and the oddity of the keyboard shortcuts reverting back to default was in a preferences cache. As long as I saved and closed SU properly the shortcuts.plist remained as I had modified it, but upon crashing, SU would rely upon the cache. And it did not change all keyboard shortcuts back to defaults as 2 or 3 remained intact, the ones I changed early on after installing, because I was experimenting.
This is what was said by a SU team member:
SU: "there's cfprefsd, that caches preferences, so what you see in an app may not be stored to disk. You need to clear that cache by restarting cfprefsd."
Me: How do I find "cfprefsd"?
SU: the easiest way is to open 'Ruby Console' in SU and enter this:
"%x( killall cfprefsd )"
and hit return...
then restart SU...Just thought you all would like to know, this has fixed it, as far as I know, until the next crash. A copy of the plist has been saved.
Thanks for you imput
Keyboard Shortcuts on Mac Changed after Crash
After SU crashed (importing a geo location), all of my customized keyboard shortcuts reverted back to the default. I am on Mac Yosemite, SU 2015. Is this normal? I would not think so. I have been having trouble with the shortcuts staying after I changed them and updated the plist. Can this be fixed with a setting, like, "don't do that"?
RE: Layout is not showing a section cut model
Thanks for looking into this for me. I must have missed a step, because I thought I did all of that. Nevertheless, I was having server update issues too so...
Layout is not showing a section cut model
I created a Sketchup model in 2014 Make and just purchased 2015 Pro and opened the model and worked on it for a bit. I created a section plane and saved it in a Scene and enabled sections in the Style, BUT when I imported the model to Layout, the Scene would not show the cut or the section plane. I do not know how to make it cut the model as I had done in Sketchup. I need to dimension the section and share the info to a client. This is why I have paid for PRO. What might be going on?