Sorry to use this post, but could not find a more relevant topic.
New install of SU Pro 2014. New install of SketchUcation Tools 2.6 (many thanks) in new Plugins folder in SU programme directory (E:).
Also installed Find My Plugins Folder (autoinstall), and I have copied that file into both locations). But, contrary to what it says on the tin it does not put an extra menu item to open location of plugins folder. Is it something I am doing wrong? This is related problem to me trying to get all plugins into SU programme folder, not on C:\Users etc. I dont want them there.
Does your reply below solve my problem(s)?
Many thanks.
@tig said:
Did you install SketchUp v2014 on the main system-drive [C: ] or is it on another drive-letter ?
There is known bug in v2014 M0 where this configuration of file locations and usage can stop its Ruby2.0 loading properly, and then you can get errors as a partial Ruby can't parse some strings or find vital ruby methods...
Please post the results of the following in the Ruby Console for v2014...
` Sketchup.find_support_file('Plugins')
And also a file-path for one of the SKPs that is showing this issue...
I don't think it's directly related to our toolset per se, but rather your configuration...
But we need to get to the bottom of this...