This the game that I made for my final Essay to get my bachelor degree. The game made in unity3d and the 3d model made in sketchUp free. This is a space fighter simulation game. The game is completed a while back, currently I'm waiting to defend the essay in front of the lecturer.
There are four player ship with unique performance and ability.
here are the first sketchUp output picture off all the ship.

Since I use sketchUp free, I can't import directly to usable file in unity3D (Collada exporter didn't work well). To cheat that, first I export the model as Collada from sketchUp then convert them again to fbx file using Autodesk FBX converter. It work like a charm the model scale and size just perfect in unity. But there are some issue with inverted axis on mirrored object and also with independent shape on a flat surface. Since it quite difficult to adjust the axis after the model imported to unity axis, its better to adjust the axis inside sketchUp.
Here are player ships that imported in unity.
First is Phanter Available at the start to new player.

Second is Phuma Available after perfect first mission.

Third is Raylight Available after perfect third mission.

Last is Nightmere Available after perfect last mission or the 5th mission.

The player can change the color of the ship missile and gun they carried for the mission.

for the animation I mostly use script like turning and the thruster effect.

Here a screen shot during mission

The game is not that good, 3d model mostly didn't use texture just playing with material.
I can't get a good screen recorder to record the game, I did find good one "Fraps" but it's not free trial version only record 30 second.
I'll ask the permission to upload the game before I defend the essay. If i can't get the permission I'll just have to wait after I defend them.
Oh, I forgot, The Game Title Is "Zero Velocity".
One of my beta tester record this and then I Upload them