Hi guys.
I hope you guys didn't wait too much for my next result of DC experiments.
Hopefully, I did something else during this weekend.
After making several models and patterns only consisted of bricks, blocks or sticks etc, NOT of surfaces, I became very wonder how to make surfaces with DC formulas. And I want to do more things in parametric way with DC. Can it be done?
Fortunately during this weekend experiments, I think, I found out a solutin to make surfaces to the models which is totally conceived by DC formulas. And it looks very parametric to me.
I should be honest to tell that, as you know, making surface is not possible within DC, cause it doesn't support any drawing tools!! Actually I usedFredo6's CurviloftRuby plugin to make surface from the set of sectional profiles which were transformed by DC formulas. Curviloft plugin, especially in this case, the 'loft by splines' looks wonderful solution. And the way doing with this plugin is also looks very parametric.
Let's check it out.
See this screen shot.
This tells how I did above transforming spiral thing.
All I drew for model were two sectional profiles, and everything else was done by DC and 'loft by splines'.

Cause it occurred crashes or unexpected results to loft with circular formation of splines, I did loft separately and combined later.
How do you guys think doing thing in this way?
I attached more images of 3 different variation from single DC model.
I changed several attributes of original DC formulas and it resulted in these 3 models.
There could be more variations depending on the change of attributes, say parameters, and I think this is parametric process of designing! (Actually I have already done more transformations)
All three are spiral things.
They vary in volumes of spirals, depth of concave,etc. You can even change the radius of spiral circles, the height of floor, degree of variation of volume, and even more.
Look, 3 different types of variation.

- type one with shallow but changing depth of concave.

- type two with deeper and not changing concave.

Also see http://taekle.blogspot.com/2010/09/dynamic-component-ruby-plugin4.html
- type 3
This has chaging volume along with spiral.
You can see original a set of copied and transformed profiles by DC, beside lofted surface, and Nancy & Sang. 
I wonder any plugins of SU can make like this.

Also see http://taekle.blogspot.com/2010/09/dynamic-component-model-sketchup.html
Attached file below shows the formulas used in here. I am not sure you guys would be interested in such mathematics. But this makes all these things happen.
And below it is attribute option window. you can see changeable parameters beside a set of transformed profiles, and another variation of model.
I did these things only on Sketchup, not Rhino, Max, or others.
More encouraging thing is that the possibilities of Sketchup is not over yet.
Enjoy the power of SU with DC.
For more information and larger images visit my blog. 