Take 2 on this.
Looking at Box gif there is still a lot of manual Labour involved deleting leftovers.
Also using visuhole one must create the surrounding boolean-geometry as a stencil every time to fit a face (no ?) . And when done move the resulting geometry back to the face/floor ?
I wonder if this workflow could be improved somehow...
@unknownuser said:
I figured that tiles that are cut become unique components (or exploded) so I would have to extrude one by one, and that's impossible with floors, it has a LOT of planks.
Im not 100% sure what you mean here, but you should avoid creating single planks when tiling!
Because, then you must make every Component unique when cutting it which will increase filesize and it will fill you Component window pretty quickly making a mess.
Its probably a better idea to create some kind of tilable, premade larger pattern that you can place and copy around on the faces (it looks like you did that on your picture, hence the confusion when you said they are individual planks).
If you could accept simple and not so detailed planks, you could perhaps do a 2d Component that you use 2dboolean with extrude-mode. For a quick test you could try the provided skp file.
Visuhole might be the way to go, I just provide another solution in case you have overlooked this possibility..
Good luck!