[Plugin] Roof.rb
keep share...
nice,,, -
Hipped roof doesn´t work form me. Some bug? I got a error message.
@azera2 said:
Hipped roof doesn´t work form me. Some bug? I got a error message.
Probably not a bug since it works for others.
What was the error message?
@azera2 said:
Hipped roof doesn´t work form me. Some bug? I got a error message.
What error ?
I'm not psychic...
There is a known limitation, it's explained in the Usage Guide and several error messages.
It's possible to devise a shape - 'crooked star' etc - than can never have a hipped roof of equal pitches - it's a physical impossibility!
Also sometimes the edges of a face get messed up in their order when returned as a 'face loop' [especially after lots of editing] - then it can fail to make a roof that would otherwise have worked - again there are tips on fixing this - e.g. by re-creating the face, or copying it off as a group, exploding it etc, so Sketchup reorders the edges properly and moving it back into place...
Your selected face is at z=0... AND it's facing downwards [top face is looking down] !
It's a limitation that a lone face at z=0 will fail...
So try moving it up from z=0 [even 1mm will do!] ... [AND you can also try Reversing it using the context-menu].
It should then work OK... -
@tig said:
Your selected face is at z=0... AND it's facing downwards [top face is looking down] !
It's a limitation that a lone face at z=0 will fail...
So try moving it up from z=0 [even 1mm will do!] ... [AND you can also try Reversing it using the context-menu].
It should then work OK...WOW this works for me thanks a lot
Hi Tig!
Great plugin. Im lifting up planty of houses from sitemap and drawing roofs on the top. There are many roofs with same angels and gabels. Often foundation is same height from ground and floors heights are equal. So I thought If you could add some parameters for those. Then when user have set default values. He can just pick countinues how meny house rectangles he want from sitemap and results are houses with roofs. I hope you understand what I mean. It is little bit faster to work this way. But of curse this is great plugin already. Great job. Thank you. D
Hello I am Brazilian, and I'm kind of new here!
I was wondering how good to install roof.rb with details?
sketchup is my version 8
plugns already put in the folder and nothing happened qunado opened the sketchup8
I could only install v-ray!
can someone help me? -
@shelton mendes said:
Hello I am Brazilian, and I'm kind of new here!
I was wondering how good to install roof.rb with details?
sketchup is my version 8
plugns already put in the folder and nothing happened qunado opened the sketchup8
I could only install v-ray!
can someone help me?
Shelton - please complete your User Profile, so we know about your OS etc...Installing this tool is much easier than most...
The .rb file goes into the Plugins folder.
The 'help' files need to be installed separately - they need to be extracted from the ZIP and these too go into the Plugins folder.
After a restart the 'Roof' toolset should appear in the Plugins menu under a submenu called 'Roof...' containing various roof tools, the Help files will not open if you have not installed the 'help' files.
The 'Help' contains detailed explanations of how to use each of the tools...
These can also be opened independently outside Sketchup...If you are having problems with installing tools then why not get thomthom's 'Simple-Plugins-Installer' - it's available to download from the SCF 'Plugins Index' [via the Resources menu item above].
His tool comes as a RBZ archive and is installed using the v8 Preferences > Extensions > Install... button. Thereafter it appears in the Plugins menu and can be used to auto-install tools or toolset in RB/RBS/ZIP and RBZ formats... So for example with the Roof tool you get the RB and install that, then the ZIP of help files and install that... Thereafter the Roof tools should appear under the Plugins menu submenu list... -
Thanks For the new update much appreciated
Yes - it is a great plugin. But...Can you imagine, what kind of error I'm producing with the Roof-Plugin here?
- On the first shape it worked fine (so you can see...) (Pic 1)
- When I want to use it on the second shape, all I get is a Bugsplat
(Pic 2)
Do you need the Buglog of SketchUp? (I can't read the .dmp-file...)
FYI: I'm using SU 2013 Pro (V 13.0.4124) and Roof 3.7 just new downloaded.
Thanks a lot!
Delete the face and recreate it by drawing over the8 edges in a clockwise direction.
The face will reform try re-roofing...Also try reversing the face.
Or copying it above, group it, delete the original, move the face-group over the original location and explode it, this can fix edge weirdnesses... -
@tig said:
Delete the face and recreate it by drawing over the8 edges in a clockwise direction.
The face will reform try re-roofing...Thanks for the hint.
Doesn't work either - unfortunately.I've deleted the face. By drawing the first edge, it reappeared - grrr.
So, I've copied it (z more than 0, I've learned above) and drawn the eddes by reference lines. Deleted the face and the edges and drawn it all clockwise.
Bugsplat again.Ha!!! There it was: Before I used the plugin, I turned the face correctly. Without turning it (the backside above) it works!
So long
Robert -
it's nice plugin and work as well in sketchup pro 2014 thanks TIG
Very great tool, thanks a lot!
hipped does not seem to work in SU2015 is this correct for anyone else????
It should work in all versions...
I'll double-check...
Did you install the latest version from the PluginStore ?
http://sketchucation.com/pluginstore?pln=Roof -
thanks for the input, i have removed it and reloaded it a couple of times it seamed to clash with onion dome which also did not work removing onion dome and reinstalling roof ----------- now works