Circles and round lathed objects
You select the face of that small profile with the follow me tool.
Don't bother with the edges deselecting - they do this all the time! -
That's nice, Eric - and also highlights the drawbacks of the follow me tool with very sharp angles.
I went ahead and added this tut to the Tutorials & How-To / Modeling Forum.
Worked like a charm. The selected face was visually de-selected upon choosing the follow-me tool, but it worked when I clicked the plane I wanted to border the top plane with.
P: AcousticGarden
Yea, like Gai said, the surface or edges seem to be deslected when you grab the Follow Me tool.
Glad you got it to work for you.
Oh, I just realized another thing I'm curious about: Can you grab an object, and move it without distorting it? Like say you were doing an interior furniture layout. Could you move a complete piece of furniture in tact without the program trying to distort the object? I haven't seen a way to do that yet.
P: AcousticGarden
You have to make sure the "furniture" or whatever it is you want to move is separated from the rest of the model. To do this you make a group or component.
Check out the SU 5 tutorials on the SketchUp site. #22 will talk about components but check them all out. This is how I learnt.
Then check out the SU 6 Tutorails: -
Thanks. I think I've seen all the Sketch Up 6 tutorials.
I didn't bother with all the SU5 ones believing that the changes in 6 might make those obsolete. I'll check out the one you recommended as soon as I can.
So much to learn!
P: AcousticGarden
@unknownuser said:
...I didn't bother with all the SU5 ones believing that the changes in 6 might make those obsolete...
Never think they are - most of the "basic" techniques are the same.
Also, there is a lot of things to update among the tuts - as well as the SU Guide which I also warmly recommend to go through... -
The guide being the pdf book? I think I'm a little less than half way through that.
P: AcousticGarden
Well, it has a pdf version, too (I have never printed it nor I have a printer actually) so I guess it is.
A great resource. -
Gaรฏeus wrote
@unknownuser said:In the tutorial, as you can see, the view is almost horizontal; that's how SU "tries" to assume on which plane you are trying to draw. So when you are looking "down", it will draw on the red/green plane, if you are looking rather from the "side" (with the horizon more or less in the middle), it will try to draw on the red/blue or green/blue plane (depending on which direction you are looking).
This is sometimes harder to do than what you did.One more time I have learned something reading this forum,
Tank you all
Bert, that's what we are all here for; learning and sharing...
I have learnt a lot from this or the "old" and even the "Freee GGroups" forums...