[Tutorial > Modeling] Slant Ramp Tut
Hi guys,
Dear Gaieus,
It is always a pleasure to follow your tuts. (thank you to give a SU6 skp )
As an exercise I had tried to find another solution:Here is my alternate way:(SU6 skp)
Fredo's Curviloft and Joint PushPull++simon
Thanks guys...
Majid; maybe not accurate but back in 2007, there were not so many excellent plugins to skin a helix very easily...
Simon: this is also the reason why it is still v. 6 - version 7 came out later (I think).
"by Gaieus on Thu Nov 15, 2007 5:55 pm"
I hadn't noticed the date
by the way, Simon, why don't you upgrade to 8?
I have SU6 free and SU7 Pro on my big PC and SU8 free on my laptop...
SU6 Is ok for everything I do; have never used dynamic component and I prefer the behavior of SU6 PushPull tool.
I have bought for long Whaat's BoolTools, and actually nothing in SU8 free grab me more: I'm very sorry for that.
Okay but now as the shadow bug is gone in SU 8, image export is possible at a much higher resolution etc., maybe it would still be useful.
Not to speak about some new generation plugins that may not work in earlier versions.
Sure I still have both version 6 and 7 installed, too.
And Ho!
I was forgetting the ability to record our toolbars position in 8: what had always put a lot of people and also me very out of serenity with the previous versions.simon
@gaieus said:
Thanks guys...
Majid; maybe not accurate but back in 2007, there were not so many excellent plugins to skin a helix very easily...
for sure your tut is veeeerrry handy and easy to follow
@ simon : thanx , but the non-accuracy exists here again -
Hi Majid,
@unknownuser said:
@ simon : thanx , but the non-accuracy exists here again
Can you explain a bit more I'm not sure to understand completely what is the problem.
dear Simon
I've attached a file that shows a real pont to point modeled rapm, and a tricky fast way ramp on(Gai trick) that clearly shows the difference.
Hi Simon,
@simon le bon said:
But in our specific case, as we need the curves to be tangent to the horizontal planes this pure helix doesn't work very well. Am I once again missing something?
The best result I achieved with the Arc tool and followme and keep. The arc was divided to 48 sectors. The end of the ramp is then still not tangential but the transition to the horizontal is optimized.
thanks charly.it's ok.
"Slant Ramp Tut" that's bound to offend somebody somewhere, sometime. Perhaps on Tralfamadore?
Thank you Charly!
->applying your solution with FollowMeAndKeep .
How have you made the path?
Here I have applied my first solution:the 48s arc and two edges drawn on the ground, then the left edge selected and moved up!
This seems to me to be good but! may be Majid will object something. There is something in the problem I don't understand.Simon.
my only objection is : by moving up/dn and scaling an arc, we will not reach a helix, while mimicing it, BTW if we need a ramp that is tangented to horizon start, it is a fast way.
(also I am aware of draw helix, and FaK plug) .apart from them and using native SU, there are only 2 ways in my sight, point to point , and tricky Gai way. -
Yeah, back then there was no Follow me and keep so one would either use helix.rb (which existed) and painstakingly connect the endpoints or do some trick to mimic something in a faster way.
I ma glad though that I started to learn SU back when there were not so many, excellent plugins as nowadays. It forced me to find out workarounds and if nothing helped, there was always "had stitching". I think this approach would still be useful for many newbies before they rely themselves to the easiest methods with plugins.
yea Gai, agree with you... as somewhere Solo called plugins as "drugs"... relying on them is not always fair, specially for noobs. I've experienced that using plugs is even confusing for noobs in some cases (using "tab" ,"F3", "F4",...in different plugs is really confusing. hope we had saome "standards".)
I have prepared another "Smart" solution. as nowadays I have a trend to avoid using Plugins.
hope you like it