A short test.
No worries Bryan, I had a weird sense of humour going last night.
The picture is the point of the render to test a 'picture' with 3d topography and it will need some lighting twists to get the correct image. Take something like rippling sand and extrude it, then drape an image across it and Bob is your mothers brother or something.
The original 2d model is a wall panel repeated to increase the size to a useful level but I shall add an image to demonstrate better later.
Is it meant to be fabric?
I'm not sure what I am supposed to see. The ripples suggest a fabric but the geometry is to perfect to sell fabric.
Hi Mike, if I read your correctly that you want a picture on a wall hanging. I downloaded this model https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/search/?q=cloths%20line&searchTab=model And chopped it up so to get a "hanging fabric" I projected it using this method:
https://www.google.com/search?q=project+onto+shape+sketchup&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBAU948AU948&oq=project+onto+shape+sketchup&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i546.18946j1j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#kpvalbx=_0AqvYuHcMoCaseMP89OImAQ53I projected the car image onto the hanging fabric surface as per the image attached
Thanks mate, the issue I have been looking at is not the image per se, rather the demonstration of the geometry with the image on it. I have adjusted the lighting to show this better. Just trial and error and I think a variation of this will work reasonably.
Ah. I see. Thanks for the explanation.
One light only in the final test but much the same result so the need to increase the geometry depth is proven. Light from the right direction helps.
That lighting looks really good.
Thanks mate, One artificial light and sketchup sun.
Interesting concept. Difficult to pull off so average person realizes just what the effect is. I think itβs worth experimenting with.
Thanks mate, something else I have thought about is textured glass with light elements (Coloured obs) and used as a moveable room break perhaps.