More Fredo6 plugins becoming paid extensions
Fredo has his bundle here to make bulk purchases easier...
@rich o brien said:
Fredo has his bundle here to make bulk purchases easier..
Thanks, that was exactly what I was looking for.
@rich o brien said:
Fredo has his bundle here to make bulk purchases easier...
Thanks, purchase made.
I can not purchase fredo6“s curviloft, purchase page can“t jump to PayPal page, but the Fredo6 bundle can purchased, purchase page can jump to PayPal automatically. Please check it.
@fredo6 said:
Sketchucation Premium members have a significant discount on this pricing.
Where can i find out how much is this 'discount' pricing for Sketchucation premium members?
$40 -> $24 ?
I tested all the purchase page.
RoundCorner Perpetual License: jump ERROR: Article not found
JointPushPull Perpetual License: can jump to PayPal page normally
Curviloft Perpetual License:jump to Empty page
FredoScale Perpetual License: can jump to PayPal page normally
ToolsOnSurface Perpetual License: can jump to PayPal page normally
TopoShaper Perpetual License: can jump to PayPal page normally
Curvizard Perpetual License: can jump to PayPal page normally
VisuHole Perpetual License: can jump to PayPal page normally -
@arc said:
I tested all the purchase page.
RoundCorner Perpetual License: jump ERROR: Article not found
JointPushPull Perpetual License: can jump to PayPal page normally
Curviloft Perpetual License:jump to Empty page
FredoScale Perpetual License: can jump to PayPal page normally
ToolsOnSurface Perpetual License: can jump to PayPal page normally
TopoShaper Perpetual License: can jump to PayPal page normally
Curvizard Perpetual License: can jump to PayPal page normally
VisuHole Perpetual License: can jump to PayPal page normallyI mean this button,please check it.
I would like to purchase the bundle. Two questions:
- I already have a FredoCorner license installed. Can they be installed together or is there an upgrade to the bundle license?
- How can i register a VAT number?
@numerobis said:
I would like to purchase the bundle. Two questions:
- I already have a FredoCorner license installed. Can they be installed together or is there an upgrade to the bundle license?
- How can i register a VAT number?
FredoCorner is a separate license to the RoundCorner that is in the Bundle. They are 2 different products.
Once you have made your purchase just drop me a line at with the details you would like to appear on the invoice and I will get it to you.Cheers
Anne -
@fredo6 said:
@sarkarshomit said:
The payment page says perpetual liscence, means one time pay for the plugin, but no details about how we are covered or not in case of updates.
Licensing is independent from the download and upgrade of the extension. so you can upgrade at will. Similarly, it is independent from the version of Sketchup, past and future.
Dear Fredo,
I just purchased the bundle pack, and received the liscences.
Your contribution, just like the other devs, has been phenomenal and I feel blessed for souls like u exist and make things simpler and better.
Thanks a lot,
Starting my use of the paid plugins.Regards,
Shomit -
Good afternoon! Curviloft stopped working correctly. I reset the settings to the default settings and now I get an inscription that the trial period expired in December.
I live in Ukraine, we are at war ((I hoped that I could buy plugins after the end of the war, because without them, dear Fredo, work in SketchUp is completely different (. But I can’t afford to buy now.
I wish you all peace and health! This is the most important thing in life!
I'm so glad that Fredo is finally getting paid for his brilliant tools! I bought every one that I hadn't already purchased immediately, updated them all, but when I go to enter my paid-for license info in the contextual drop down menu for each of the tools, nothing happens when I click on "License", so I can't enter the info. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Is it because I'm still using SU2021 (waiting for a new computer this month)? I doubt it, but I can't think of anything else. Thanks in advance for clearing this up for me. As is pretty standard among SU users, I can't do my work without these incredibly essential tools.
@mavie said:
. . . but when I go to enter my paid-for license info in the contextual drop down menu for each of the tools, nothing happens when I click on "License", so I can't enter the info.
Make sure you have the latest version of the Sketchucation Extension Store tool installed.
@dave r said:
@mavie said:
. . . but when I go to enter my paid-for license info in the contextual drop down menu for each of the tools, nothing happens when I click on "License", so I can't enter the info.
Make sure you have the latest version of the Sketchucation Extension Store tool installed.
Thanks, Dave, I'm always amazed by how you respond to everyone, even when some of these inquiries can be a little tedious to non-newbies. You're a kind, cool guy.
I did, in fact, make sure that I had the latest Sketchucation Extension Store tool installed...(v4.2.4) and double-checked every tool for its latest version. Still it's a no go. I just can't figure out what could be causing nothing to happen when I try to input my license info on all Fredo's tools. I just tried again to input license info for Tools on Surface and I was surprised to actually get a response/message: you have to have Extension Store v3.1 or above installed, (which I had) but I doubled checked again just to insure that I had v4.2.4. (which was noted at the top of the Extension Store window). Then I decided to try "reinstalling" 4.2.4 version of Extension Store and when I tried again to input at the License button in the pulldown of the tool, now, instead of any sign of activity, AGAIN nothing. I'm totally out of ideas.
@mavie said:
Thanks, Dave,
You're quite welcome.
I guess since you've updated to the latest Sketchucation Extension Store, the next thing I would do is quit SketchUp and do a power off reboot. Then start up again and try. Wouldn't hurt to clear internet caches, too.
Could you open the Ruby console to see if there are error messages.
@unknownuser said:
Could you open the Ruby console to see if there are error messages.
Ha. Thank you for asking, Fredo...looks pretty bad doesn't it?
@mavie said:
@unknownuser said:
Could you open the Ruby console to see if there are error messages.
Ha. Thank you for asking, Fredo...looks pretty bad doesn't it?
My guess would be that since everything is so messed up, perhaps I should go to the plugins folder, remove all of the paid, non-working Fredo Tools (from the Fredo Collection) and then reinstall them? and maybe Libfredo6 too? I don't want to make more of a mess here than it already I'll await your advice, Fredo. Thank you so much in advance