SCFLicense: Extension Licensing on Sketchucation
@fredo6 said in SCFLicense: Extension Licensing on Sketchucation:
This post explains how to license some extensions published on Sketchucation.
- Have a valid registration on Sketchucation (free account is enough - Premium members usually get a significant discount on licenses). See this page for registration.
- Install the latest version of Sketchucation Store extension, v4.3.0 or above. It includes the management of licenses and many other features to install other extensions and keep them up to date. For Mac users with old versions of MacOS, ExtensionStore v4.3.0 or above is imperative.
Licensing Process
You have 2 steps to license an extension- Purchase the license on Sketchucation. After login and payment, you receive by email a purchased license file, which you should store on your computer in a safe place. This is your proof of paid license. The mail is sent instantly in most cases, but this can take longer, up to 24 hours.
- Validation of the license. This is done from within a Sketchup session. Basically, you activate the purchased license to your computer.
The process and dialog to perform these steps can be accessed from the menu item "License..." in the menu of the extension.
Important Remarks:
- Purchasing and Validating licenses requires a connection to Internet. However, once the license is activated, you can use the extension offline. Periodic online checks will however happens.
- A license is valid for ALL versions of Sketchup, past and future. So the license activation needs to be done once.
- A purchased license usually provides several license seats (typically 3). So you can license the extension on several computers. If you don't need the extension on a computer anymore, you can Release its license (i.e. deactivate it) and get back a license seat for another computer.
Consulting your Licenses
You can access your my-licenses page where all your licenses are displayed, along with the seat information assigned to your computers. Just click on the following link and sign-in if not already done:User Manual
Here are the [url=]instructions to users[/url:3kyx1j5s], as a PDF document.
My license is not available for push pull extension. Help me to check, pls
@yosoloxx your license files and instructions to activate are at
I mean I bought it and I have used it, Now I can not work it anymore,!
Error in the License Validation
Response from Sketchucation: License seats exceeded.
How to fix it? Only me use this license.
If you change your device name or change devices you use up seats.
Just release seats and the link I posted above.
I press the icons to use them and I can't, this window appears instead of the plug-in working
A clearer explanation would help us to help you ! -
@TIG said in SCFLicense: Extension Licensing on Sketchucation:
That link works fine for me...
Landing you at the page where you can chose a Premium Membership [optional - with its associated discounts] ?That link works fine for me...
I changed my computer name, now five of my licenses don't work. Any advice?
Delete the signature file at
Restart SketchUp
hello, i just downloaded this extension and it says i have to activate my subscription even though i fit all the requirements what do i do