[Plugin] FredoGuides - v2.7a - 31 Dec 24
The information on FredoGuides is maintained on the Plugin Home Page of FredoGuides. This is also where you can download the RBZ file.
- LibFredo6: v14.3b or above
- Sketchup version: SU2017 and above
- Platform: Windows and Mac OSX
- Usage: Free for the time being
- Expiration on: 31 May 2025
TO NEWCOMERS: If you land on this page and are unfamiliar with how to install Sketchup Extensions such as LibFredo6 or how to register on Sketchucation, please watch this video or refer to the Plugin page of LibFredo6.
FredoGuides is a new extension dealing with Sketchup Guides (also called Construction lines and points).
Version 1.5 includes the following features:
- Guide Protection: Mark guides to prevent their deletion by the 'Delete Guides' command of Sketchup.
- Toggle Visibility: Toggle visibility of all guides in the model. This setting can be saved by Scene.
- Guide Color: Assign a color to guide lines and guide points. This setting can be saved by Scene.
Credit: all toolbar icons and button images by JClementsNO user manual for the time being. Have a look at the video and Quick Start section at the plugin page.
1) Guides Protection
A quick introduction to the Protection of Guides2) Guides Visibility and Color
...and how to assign them to scenes. -
Hi, Fredo Thank you for your create this extension.
I would like to feedback for FreoGuides like this...
when I make a marking guide inside the component and click protect it then I save component and reload it places to the model. The Protection can not protect the guide when I click delete guides (Edit>delete guides). That I think it should protect the guide in components after save as together.Thank you
Sitthikorn N. -
@sitthikorn said:
when I make a marking guide inside the component and click protect it then I save component and reload it places to the model. The Protection can not protect the guide when I click delete guides (Edit>delete guides). That I think it should protect the guide in components after save as together.
Not very clear to me. Could you post the model so that I understand.
NEW RELEASE: FredoGuides v1.1b - 25 Dec 19
Requirement: LibFredo6 9.5
FredoGuides v1.1b fixes a serious bug preventing to protect guides if done right after opening Sketchup. So it is advised to migrate to this version
Home Page of FredoGuides[/color][/b] for information and Download.
NEW RELEASE: FredoGuides v1.1c - 25 Dec 19
Requirement: LibFredo6 9.5
FredoGuides v1.1c fixes another serious bug preventing to protect guides if done right after opening a Sketchup file containing protected guidelines. So it is advised to migrate to this version
Home Page of FredoGuides[/color][/b] for information and Download.
Bonjour Fredo,
Ce plugin est formidable et d'une utilité primordiale à couplé avec celui de D. Bur "Projections".
Je n'arrive pas à changer la couleur des guides, est-ce un bogue ?!?Ce qui serait utile c'est de pouvoir mettre certain guide dans un groupe ou composant et pouvoir changer la couleur des guides uniquement ceux qui sont dans un groupe ou composant et pouvoir avoir plusieurs couleurs selon l'importance du guide.
Bravo pour tous ses plugins qui simplifient la vie, vos plugins sont incontournables.
Meilleures salutations
@nini007 said:
Ce qui serait utile c'est de pouvoir mettre certain guide dans un groupe ou composant et pouvoir changer la couleur des guides uniquement ceux qui sont dans un groupe ou composant et pouvoir avoir plusieurs couleurs selon l'importance du guide.
Unfortunately, Sketchup does only support a SINGLE color for ALL guides...
NEW RELEASE: FredoGuides v1.1d - 05 Jan 20
Requirement: LibFredo6 9.5
FredoGuides v1.1d includes the Spanish translation by Oxer.
Home Page of FredoGuides[/color][/b] for information and Download.
I'm getting the same message Ken shows. I made sure that I have the latest versions of both FredoGuides and LibFredo6 but I still get it.
HELP Fredo, whenever I click the right mouse I get this window; and uninstall the plugin but keeps coming.
I tried everything, including installing the new library but the window keeps coming!
NEW RELEASE: FredoGuides v1.1e - 22 Jan 20
Requirement: LibFredo6 9.5
FredoGuides v1.1e extends the validity.
Home Page of FredoGuides[/color][/b] for information and Download.
Thanks Fredo, Problem solved.
P.S.: pourquoi faire des extensions gratuites qui expirent à une date donnée ?
@didier bur said:
P.S.: pourquoi faire des extensions gratuites qui expirent à une date donnée ?
Precisely, these extensions may become paid in the future... It's a minor inconvenience, since they are free today. Also, a good way to keep the installed base on recent versions of the script.
Before I updated I had the same issue.
I installed the update via the SketchUcation extension. However, I had to close SU and reopen it before the update would work. -
@jclements said:
Before I updated I had the same issue.
I installed the update via the SketchUcation extension. However, I had to close SU and reopen it before the update would work.This is true for most plugins, because a ne version may have to update the menu and also the part that loads when Sketchup starts.
NEW RELEASE: FredoGuides v1.2a - 22 Jan 20
Requirement: LibFredo6 9.5
FredoGuides v1.2a fixes bugs and includes adjustments for performance in contextual menu.
**Home Page of FredoGuides** for information and Download.
I am experiencing a strange behaviour with the plugin. it appears to make copies of the protected guides every time i use the "delete all guides" command. There are thousands of copies of the Fredoguides in the outliner appear. i'll [ost the file later.