SketchUp 2019 release
@genma saotome said:
Stick a form in it folks, SU (at least on the desktop) is done. Whether there is a
"new" cloud based product or not is up to Trimble -- and they're not telling, which usually means really bad news for the current product offering.I wouldn't necessarily say the desktop version, but it certainly looks like they have set their sights on eliminating the perpetual licencing model. I sincerely hope that the perpetual licence with maintenance and support model is retained, even if it is alongside another licencing model.
Considering the shitstorm during the last few days, I doubt they'll drop classic licenses anytime soon. The new website is effective enough to direct new users to subscription.
@jiminy-billy-bob said:
Considering the shitstorm during the last few days, I doubt they'll drop classic licenses anytime soon. The new website is effective enough to direct new users to subscription.
I wouldn't bet on them thinking that.
all I've read from the team in the ongoing storm over at the forums suggests it's full steam ahead and damn the torpedoes and we don't understand why your so upset.... -
@jiminy-billy-bob said:
Considering the shitstorm during the last few days...
Apt description. If I were a major investor/share holder there would be some explaining to do, mopping of floors and heads to collect. And this would have zero to do with licencing...
@juju said:
@genma saotome said:
Stick a form in it folks, SU (at least on the desktop) is done. Whether there is a
"new" cloud based product or not is up to Trimble -- and they're not telling, which usually means really bad news for the current product offering.I wouldn't necessarily say the desktop version, but it certainly looks like they have set their sights on eliminating the perpetual licencing model. I sincerely hope that the perpetual licence with maintenance and support model is retained, even if it is alongside another licencing model.
Cloud and subscription are perfect fit for INVESTORS and Shareholders! Because there is nothing to buy, download and install the only option is to rent. Software as a service - only way to pay for the same shit over and over again!
Same story every release. I said ages ago that the problem isn't Trimble (or Google before them) --the problem is the top leadership of the actual SketchUp devs. If anybody is surprised by any of this you haven't been paying attention at all.
I still love Sketchup-it’s a comfortable, predictable tool. I’ve stayed with SU8 for personal projects and use SU18 PRO at work and there isn’t a whole lot of difference between the 2. In a way a good thing but what the heck has Trimble done with the revenue from sales and upgrades over the past 10(?) years.
It seems like the amazing plugin development community (not in house) have kept SU relevant but all that has allowed the core program to be left as is for the most part-kind of like why buy the cow if you get the milk for free. (Sorry. couldn’t think of a better analogy at the moment)
Jason_Maranto above said that it is the same reaction to every new version release-and I often thought the same thing. But humans are ever hopeful(naive) and adapt to disappointment eventually. Can you imagine what the reaction would have been if even half of peoples’ wishlist suggestions had been incorporated? Or a collaboration with the app developers to make major additions to the native SU tools. Ah well. I don't see that ever happening. Sketchup is not a well-loved dog at Trimble-it only gets thrown a bone every so often to stop it barking.
Cows and dogs. -
My version of 2019 does not autosave, does make backups
For anyone interested: I replied to their reply of the ridiculous reason for not sharing their roadmap:
SketchUp in 2019: where great ideas get to work
Well, it has been quite a year (plus a little) here at SketchUp HQ, with tremendous amounts of coffee consumed and today we’re finally ready to spill what we’ve been working so hard to finish. There’s quite a lot to shar…
SketchUp Community (
To me, It doesn't look like the message is listened to by the su-team (looking at the posts on the official forum). Web dev and different stuff Will keep taking much of the resources while the desktop pro wont get the fixes It really needs asap.
Maybe were just a minority. Would be very interesting to see a poll on peoples reaction on 2019 and trust in future developments for their needs.
I'm done ranting. Eyes open for alternatives while using 2019 this year.Its sad many of the 'old' faces will move to different software. The ones that showed already in the early days Sketchup was a valid alternative to big cad. Gratefull for all your helpfull responses on the forums, posts on impressive modelling you did with early Sketchup versions, creators of impressive plugins and helpers to people with Ruby problems.
These are big, heartless corporations! There is no passion anymore, no craftsmanship! The suits are not identified with their products - they see reports, budgets, expenses, balances! Look around You - under the hood everything is the same - just different label and logo! Traditions are gone, people are just employees from 8 to 5 PM, most even don't know the final product! The founders are gone - and with them the soul of the creators!
Hmm.. What are conditions for AutoSave file creation?
I haven't seen v2019 creates one -
@rv1974 said:
Hmm.. What are conditions for AutoSave file creation?
I haven't seen v2019 creates oneI've seen the option to create backups and autosaves, you need to see if both boxes are ticked.
Generally autosaves will only happen if there was a change in the content of the file since the last save.
Example.. I forced (via task manager) a file crash. On reopening v2019 asked whether I'd like to open an autosaved version which didpreserved latest changes (similarly to PS). But untill now I haven't seen a single Autosave file in the project folder.
Maybe v19 creates them in Temp?
@Juju: bot options are V-ed -
SU2019 does not create a autosave-file anywhere.
@klip53 said:
SU2019 does not create a autosave-file anywhere.
I guess it helps with speed and stability, I always disable autosave anyway, got into a habit of saving before running any plugins.
Can’t help but suspect the overhaul of the UI & wanted features will come, but will only be introduced after the subscription model is in full effect.
Seeing where SketchUp Classic pricing is located on there web page, like Autodesk, I think the permanent license will eventually be phased out.
@solo said:
.. I always disable autosave anyway, got into a habit of saving before running any plugins.
The only problem with this is that due to 'richness' of native tool set, SU modeling is almost non-stop plugin usage
"SketchUp in 2019: where great ideas get to work"
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