How many SU guys were into lego?
I hated Lego, far too restrictive. I was always cutting them up to make the shapes I wanted.
I still am at 53! I’d love to get the Porsche and the Saturn5 but I just can’t justify them financially. Whilst I’m now (and have been for many years) in architecture I started my working life in mechanical engineering and Lego technic appeals to my inner gear head.
I pre-date Lego's , it was Lincoln Logs for me ..........
& Meccano
I used Lincoln logs, Legos, and a couple Erector sets, all together.
What do you mean "were into Lego"?
I've got a lot of Lego "for the children"...
Less time to play with Lego nowadays, but I still love to play with them and my children too. I also love the Star Wars sets by the way, they are cleverly built and my kids love them too.
JQL - although my boys are between 18 and 20 now - these StarWars things mustn't disappear - otherwise I get deep in trouble
Like Tuna and Valmont,
Lincoln Logs, Erector Sets, chemistry set's that included radioactive stuff, lead soldier casting stuff, and a few pounds of mercury to boot.
Oh yeah, those were the days!
I am still very much into Lego! We use it in the Studio sometimes for 'Massing Studies' and how to deal with 'Messy' 3D Construction Details. I was also into Meccano (With Metal Components and Nuts & Bolts), when younger - But graduated to 'Handy-Angle' and 'Kee-Klamp!' - Which can be regarded as the Adult Version of Meccano! We also use Cocktail Sticks, Barbecue Skewers and Lollipop Sticks for Structural Models.
@dave r said:
What do you mean "were into Lego"?
Agreed, no need to stop enjoying. I stand corrected. I remember the sound operated module that would turn on and off the 4WD motor and the little bricks with light would fascinate me.
I was into Lincoln Logs, Tinker Toys, and Lego (old School) I combined them all and built an aircraft carrier.
I remember Erector sets, Lincoln logs, Tinker Toys and the small bricks. I also had A wind up train and an electric train.
Yes, that was in the 40's and 50's.
Now that is pretty cool and free!
(of course you must have a computer and Internet for load the program !By Matt-one with a model made with the free Lego Designer!
(rendered with the free SimLab Composer Lite (Maxi 1920 *1080) click this link for the original size!
(don't click image for enlarge! ) -
@david_h said:
...combined them all and built an aircraft carrier.
sorry David - wanted to hit Thumb Up but was missing my reading glasses and I hit the wrong side
Wow, an "aircraft carrier" - are there still any photos?!? -
@pilou said:
Now that is pretty cool and free!
(of course you must have a computer and Internet for load the program !By Matt-one with a model made with the free Lego Designer!
(rendered with the free SimLab Composer Lite (Maxi 1920 *1080) click this link for the original size!
(don't click image for enlarge! )So cool mate thank you for pointing that out. I will have a play when I can. I wonder if leggo would be interested in employing a plugin designer to design a leggo plugin for sketchup. (not me i would am not capable) just a thought bubble.
@cjryan said:
Like Tuna and Valmont,
Lincoln Logs, Erector Sets, chemistry set's that included radioactive stuff, lead soldier casting stuff, and a few pounds of mercury to boot.
Oh yeah, those were the days!
Damn! I had totally forgotten about radioactive materials and playing with mercury. A few years ago my brother reminded me that I made nitroglycerin in class—nowadays I would have been arrested for terrorism. It's a surprise we lived through it all…
Reading previous replies reminded me that I had Tinker Toys as well.